Why i don't like Kokichi (and its really not his fault)

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Let's talk about Kokichi as a character. He's a manipulative bastard, and while we can try to find his motives for this, it's confusing. He says he wants to end the killing game, but he'd naturally a liar, so that could be for his own enjoyment. In other words he's a complex character who has written great.

But the fucking fandom.

The fact people have the aUDACITY to say that he's an "uwu babey who did nothing wrong" literally shits on everything his character is supposed to be, instead of looking at how sadistic and creepy, yet cunning and smart he is, you look at how he's "uwu so gæy, or "dO rObOtS haVe DiCkSsSss" when his character is so much more than that.

People say Sayaka is a snake (which btw even if you hate her, stop. That's racist to Japanese people how rat is racist to them) but will say Kokichi did nothing wrong.

Nagito in my opinion is more complex, or at the very least more interesting than Kokichi, yet somehow I've seen Kokichi fans say that Nagito is overrated, and Kokichi deserves more love.

Behind Junko and Monokuma, Kokichi is literally ONE OF THE MOST, IF NOT THE MOST, POPULAR DANGANRONPA CHARACTER. Why? Because of his appearance. Because he's "uwu and cute" I literally hate Kokichi just because the fandom doesn't seem to give a literal shit about how much of a horrible person he is.

And just because he's a horrible person doesn't mean he's a "bad character" but you need to realize that he isn't some "uwu baby" who needs to be protected. It's really so much MORE than that.

And I hate the Pre-game AU BECAUSE of pregame Kokichi. Is there evidence Pregame Kokichi was super timid and "uwu"? Barely. While he makes scared expressions, I don't think that's enough to classify pregame Kokichi has an "uwu baby"

But fucking GOD (emphasis on the god despite me being pretty much an atheist) people want to use that as proof of him being "So uwuuw jusgbabhzuiki" under the lies. THAT IS NOT CANON. YOU CAN HAVE HEADCANONS BUT DON'T SHOVE IT IN PEOPLES FACES AND SAY ITS CANON.

I could go over more points, but I am not happy right now. I need to get this off my chest, along with other more personally things. Moral of the story if one more person calls Kokichi a baby, I'm grabbing some heelys, combining them with crocs, and doing a trick-shot combined with a backflip off a motherfucking cliff.

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