Hola personita que ve esto, aqui estare publicando mis dibujos, desde sketch hasta imagenes HD, todas hechas por mi en mi telefono movil y algunas en el ordenador con el mouse, asi que disfrutad!
English & Español
Yes, this is not a image chapter or any of my artworks. Wattpad just told me that this story reached the max amount of pages, so let's turn this page and begin a new one!
It's true, this is a farewell, a momentary one, till I publish my new Artwork Book. I just wanted to say: Thanks. Thanks to every single person who watched my progress, every person who supported me, encourage me, loved my art. I will treasure every comment, every single word will stay in my heart. I know, I get to emotional sometimes but I just wanted you to know what I felt throught this book.
If you're still reading this, just don't give up on me just yet! I will expecting you, to see you one more time...
Until then...
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.