Chapter 7: Moving on

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A/N: these girls are complicated with who they like

Leigh-Anne's POV

I drop down from the ceiling and look over to my bed. We sleep in them sometimes and others we take the roof. I step into my bathroom and run my tongue over my top row of teeth. After brushing and flossing, I slip in my magic retainer that hides my fangs before showering and putting on some lounge wear. A pair of sweats and a tank top. "Breakfast time.", I mumble walking into the kitchen. I place some pieces of toast in the toaster before making a cup of coffee, leaving some for Jade since she also needs a pick me up in the morning.

"G'morning Leigh. Do we have any pudding?", Perrie questions. "I don't know. I don't even eat pudding that much.", I answer eating my toast. "Uh why are you two dressed like slobs? We have school today.", Jade says coming down the stairs. I roll my eyes and snap my fingers, changing my outfit into a pair of jeans and a orange shirt. "We have magic Jade. It's not that complicated.", I answer. "Speak for yourself.", Perrie pouts. I turn around to look at her and struggle to hold in my laugh. She's in a pair of suffer shorts and sweater. "Try again babes. Maybe you were thinking about to many things at once.", I say. She sighs and snaps her fingers again, changing her into a pair of simple black joggers and a light hoodie. "Perfect.", she laughs.

"Good morning everyone. I see that we're all dressed and ready. I can't take you all to school today so you're walking.", Jesy says walking past us. Perrie locks the door and we all surround her. "What's so important that you won't see us to school like you do everyday?", Jade questions. "Is this an interrogation?", Jesy answers. "Answer the question.", I say. "Fine! The girl from the restaurant texted me and said that she wanted a ride. We had been talking for a while and yeah, it kinda happened.", she says shyly. "Why can't we come then? We could just sit in the back in be quiet.", Perrie says. "Fine but if I hear one rude comment I'll stop the car and push you out of it.", she snarls walking out the door.

"Your bag Jes.", I say holding it up. "Just bring it!", she calls. We grab all our bags and lock the door before climbing into the back of the car. "Do you guys want any breakfast?", she sighs. "Me! Me! I do.", Perrie says jumping in her seat the best she can. "I'll get you a hot chocolate and pancakes.", Jesy says snapping her fingers. Perrie's food appears in her lap and she digs in, almost biting her finger. "Whatever, don't speak unless spoken to. Be respectful, and for the love of god don't embarrass me.", Jesy says taking a breath and fixing her hair in the mirror. "Pez, where's your retainer?", Jesy questions looking closer. "Oh, I lost it. I took it off one night and I just never found it again.", Perrie answers.

"You are so lucky I keep a spare one on me at all times. Take this and hurry.", Jesy says with a groan. "Hey Jesy, hi Jesy's friends.", the girl says sliding in the car. "Hi Ally. These are the girls I was at the restaurant with, Leigh, Perrie, and Jade. Girls, this is Ally.", Jesy says with a pleasant smile as if she wasn't  about to rip Perrie's head off. "Hi Ally.", we say in unison. "Where are your other friends?", I ask. "They probably are at school by now. Where do you guys go to school?", the girl answers looking back at us. "We go to a college just a few block down. Jesy wanted us to be close in case anything happens. But she goes to one just on the edge of town.", Jade answers. "Oh would you look at that, we're here. Now out you get. Your lunches are in your bag, bye.", Jesy laughs with annoyance clear in her voice.

"By Jesy, we love you a lot.", Perrie says with a wave. "I love you all too.", Jesy sighs driving off. "Come on. We have plenty of time and I've had to pee since three blocks ago.", I say holding my belt buckle. "That hot chocolate went right through me.", Perrie groans hopping from foot to foot. "Oh thank god. I thought it was only me.", Jade sighs as we walk through the doors. We walk to the bathroom, where three girls are fixing their makeup in the mirror before they lock eyes with us. "You three must be the three musketeers everyone talks about.", one says turning around. "I guess. We tend to stick together in social interactions.", Jade says trailing off in her sentence.

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