Chapter 8

611 18 9

~ Hesh

"I guess it's a good thing I let my hair grow", I commented as I adjusted my brown jacket and checked my appearance in the mirror. My hair was still short, but small strands fell over my forehead. There was a little stubble on my cheeks, and I wore dark blue jeans and a black shirt. I looked...normal; like the average citizen. And with a few patches of (I'll admit it) make-up, adding shadows and age, I looked like a different person.

Perfect for the next assignment.

"Whoa! Who's this guy?" Kick said from the door of my room. His blue eyes were hidden by tinted sunglasses and he wore a white t-shirt and jeans.

I laughed and deepened my voice, "Your worst nightmare."

He chuckled and sat on the edge of my bed. He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, "You know the plan?"

"We totally didn't go over it three times already, Kick." I pointed out.

He raised his hands, "Just checking, mate."
I quickly scrubbed at my temples, blending the paint there. "Okay. Let's meet up with the others." Kick and I headed for the control room, aka the dining room. Keegan and Ginger were already there, both dressed in plain clothes. Since Ginger was new, he was allowed to keep his red hair uncovered. Keegan wore a backwards baseball cap. I couldn't help but smirk when Merrick came in wearing a dark red bandanna.

"Don't think I've ever seen you with that shiny head of yours covered, Merrick", Keegan joked.

Merrick scowled. "Hey! I miss seeing my reflection in my own head," he said tightening the knot on the bandanna. Keegan laughed and Merrick smiled.
"Alright boys. We go through the plan one more time." Merrick said, turning serious.

"Four times," I mumbled to Kick and he smirked.

Merrick ignored us. "Our target is the El Liberado Palacete or The Liberated Manor, located near Santa Maria in Brazil. We believe it is where Rorke is hiding out and we're hoping the other commander is with him. The identity of this man is unknown, but he goes by the code name 'Sharp'."

"Why is that, sir? Do we know?" Ginger asked.

"Apparently he's the sharpest shooter in the south," Keegan explained. "And he has the sharp senses of a hunting cat." He shrugged. "But that's all up for debate."

"We will enter South America from Uruguay, move north to the border of Brazil and the State of Rio Grande Do Sul, acting as civilians." Merrick continued. "We should be able to easily make our way through the state to the target. If it all goes to plan."

I scoffed, if there's one thing I've learnt being in this war, it's that things rarely ever go to plan.

"Once we have identified the target, we find a place in the town which will serve as our home base for the mission. After that's achieved, I'll outline the next stage of the plan." Merrick glanced between us. "Understood?" We nodded in affirmation.

I whistled for Riley and he came trotting in. I knelt down to him, "You're staying with the marines for now, boy." I told him. He barked and licked my hand. "You'll be safe there."

"Once we've established home base, I'll see if I can find a way for him to join us." Merrick said and I nodded in thanks. He picked up his sidearm. "Alright, let's move out."


4 hours later

"Remember; keep your weapons concealed. Normal civilians don't carry handguns and semi-automatic rifles. " Keegan said over the coms. He was a few metres ahead of Merrick and I. Kick was behind us, standing with Ginger. All five of us were in the line to enter the Brazilian border and we each carried a bag; Kick and I, a backpack, while Merrick, Keegan and Ginger had sports bags with our gear inside. Hiding our weapons had meant we were able to move through Uruguay with no trouble. Unfortunately, all bags have to go through x-ray scanners. To make it over the border, with our supplies and our lives, we needed a distraction. That's where the backpacks come in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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