I was floating. On a big fluffy cloud, a big blue sky above my head. It felt so nice, so relaxing. I felt someone take my hand and when I turned my head, I saw Harry smiling at me. I smiled back feeling so happy. He was so beautiful and it felt like he was mine. Everything was perfect...
Except, there was something tugging at my feet, rushing over me. Water, and lots of it, tugging me down, making me feel cold. My paradise was fading quickly and I felt Harry's hand disappearing as well.
I barely felt it but strong arms were encircling my waist and dragging me along. Cool air blew against my face. I was rested down and the arms left me.
"Thahmena, wake up! I know you're in there, come on, wake up! Don't leave me alone!" I could hear Harry exclaiming and it sounded like he was crying. Why was this beautiful boy crying? I wanted to open my eyes to see but they refused to open. Harry was holding on to my life, seemingly for dear life. I squeezed it, letting him know I could hear him. He let out a gasp.
My eyes finally fluttered open and I saw him kneeling down next to me, a huge grin lighting up his face.
"Oh, thank God!" Harry shouted. I smiled but that quickly changed when I realized that, one, I couldn't sit up because I literally felt drained, and two, I had no idea where I was.
"Harry, where are we?"
"I don't know," he replied sadly.
"What happened? Did we land yet?" I asked, trying to put the pieces together in my confused brain. I looked up, away from Harry, and saw the endless blue sky from my paradise. "Oooh pretty..." I said, content, thinking about my dream world.
"Ok then," Harry said, giving a weird look. "Thahmena, we haven't reached New York, didn't land either. we sorta...crashed."
"What?!" I exclaimed, shooting upright. "Where is everyone? Are they okay? How long was out? What the HELL happened?!" I was shooting out questions like bullets. I was freaking the hell out!
Harry grabbed me by the shoulders, turning me to face him. As his hands touched my bare skin, I felt shock waves flow through me. Did he feel it too?
"Thahmena, Calm. Yourself. Down." He shook me a little. "Look, I have to tell you something else. I don't know how you're going to react considering the whole freaking out thing a second ago..."
"Well, spit it out already! It can't be worse than finding out we crashed onto a freaking deserted island!" I exclaimed. Did I mention that I was still freaking out?!
"Actually, it CAN get worse...yeah, um, we two...are the only survivors of the crash," he said slowly, watching my reaction. I looked into his eyes to figure if he was lying or playing some sick, cruel joke on me. He wasn't.
I froze. My heart was beating fast in my chest and my mind went blank. Everyone had DIED except for us?! Out of 50 people on that plane, including the pilot, we were the only two people that survived? How was that even freaking possible?!
"How?" I managed to choke out.
"I was thinking whatever had fallen on us and knocked us out had probably saved our lives. I have no idea how but..." He stopped. "Maybe you should just see for yourself," Harry said, uncertainty tainting his voice. I was terrified! A part of me wanted to go and see the wreck that would confirm the horrible truth that we were stuck on this island in the middle of nowhere. The other part of me wanted to refuse, wanted to just lay there in the sand, in my happy place.
"Take me," I said, determination in my voice. He looked at me as if to say "Are you sure?"
"Take me," I said a little louder, looking straight into his eyes.
Surprise flickered through his eyes but was gone as fast as it had come, sadness replacing it instead. I felt like hugging him, comforting him, telling him it would be okay. But it wasn't, nothing was okay right now. Besides he probably thought I was normal (or maybe weird was the right word) so he probably wouldn't even want me to do that...
He stood up shakily - probably still tired from the know saving me and all - and held out his hand. I reached up and took. As I tried standing, my knees buckled and I almost fell on my butt...that is until Harry caught me in his arms, pulling me close. I stared deep into those green, laser-like eyes framed with long, luscious eyelashes, and I couldn't help but raise my hands to touch them. His eyes fluttered closed as my finger ran along his eyelashes. I stopped. In all likelihood, he didn't like me, I was I dropped my hands. Harry's eyes opened and he just looked at me, somewhat questioningly.
"We should get going, Harry," I said, lowering my eyes. I reached down and removed his hands that were still on my waist. He sighed. "Let's go then," he said, reaching for my hand.
He led me along the beach, looking deep in thought. Oh, how I wish it was me he was thinking of. I shook that thought from my head just as he said, "There, half of it is in the water and the other half is up ahead on the beach." He pointed to a spot a few meters ahead and my eyes followed. I let out a quiet gasp.
It was a devastating sight to see. I could barely recognize that it was plane at first! There were plane parts strewn all over the beach, as well as clothes and suitcases and...bodies. When I realized what they were, the panic shot through my brain to the rest of my body in an instant. Looking over at Harry, I realized that he just realized what they were too; as if this was the first time he was seeing this as well.
I started hyperventilating, well this was a first. My eyes started darting all over the place, trying to avoid the sight in front of me. I could've sworn I probably looked like a chicken. I started stuttering, since I couldn't seem to find any real words. Ugh! I needed to calm the heck down before I collapsed!
I turned around and had started walking away when I felt Harry's hand encircling my wrist. He spun me around and I was startle at the proximity of our faces. He cupped my face in his hands and looked me directly in the eyes.
"Thahmena, I'm here, sweetie. I'm here its ok," he whispered. He pulled me into a giant hug, resting his face on my head. I buried my face in his chest, trying to swallow the tears that I knew were coming.
I focused on the lingering scent of Bleu De Chanel on Harry's t-shirt. I focused on how his chest felt under my cheek. I focused on the thought of Harry's eyes lingering on mine and how it would feel if he kissed me. Harry was the perfect thing to take my mind off the plane crash.

Take Me Home...Or Not! (Harry Styles One Shot)
Fanfiction(Completed) Mena was a normal girl. She had a normal life and weird friends who had an obsession with One Direction. She on the other hand, couldn't stand them. She was headed home, to New York, from London when two of the most unthinkable things ha...