A/N: hello babes! its been a while ...just gettin' back on track, please bear with me on this :)
fonts of person speaking: ZhouZhou JingYu
...I miss U
*Words that came out from both of their mouths at the same time, the moment ZZ picked up Yu's call.*
Baobei, are U fine? U sounds down in the dumps.
...just a little tired, baby. Happy Camp's shoot is cheery and enervating. Too much laughing is exhausting but I enjoyed.
Yeah, Happy Camp it is. I heard Talu was there too.
Uhhmm.. yeah.. Have U seen his birthday greeting for me?
I did.. the pout lips are enchanting, makes me wanna smooch them!
Talu's lips? Yu fuckin' crazy?
Hahaha! Jeez! Baobei, only your lips enchants me ever since. What's with U, huh?
Ugh! ...too much missing Yu, maybe?
Maybe? Not Really?
Stop the tease, Yu! U know how much I want U here or I am there.
...I know, Baobei ...I just want to lighten up your mood. I don't like hearing U so low.
...it ..ahm ...it makes me feel the same too.
Oh God! I am so sorry, baby. I.. I didn't mean to make Yu feel that way.
Shut the sorry. Just hum your new song for me, Baobei. I'll be fine.
*ZZ croons the chorus of his **"Welcome to the World." Eyes closed and a voice full of longing for a certain someone whom he's humming the song for.*
*While, Yu's all ears, eyes closed and feels the same way for his Baobei. His hand that holding the fone, tightens as he rub his nape, restraining himself from sobbing.*
*Silence fell between them for a while. And then deep breaths exhaled from both of them, again, at the same time.*
*They both laugh a little, and then..*
Yu like it?
I love it!
*They both utter at the same time, again x2*
I love Yu.
I miss U.
*There. There. They're synchronized every time.*
Tangled Affair
Poetry* A YuZhou-HaiYin fangirl minstrelsy * Looking at YuZhou's alikeness through and in between reel and real series and bts Gu Hai-Bai Luoyin and Johnny-Timmy