Dirty Little Secret - Sam Winchester Imagine Part 2

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You hadn't seen Sam since you were 13, after he called you that day you pushed the memory of him to the back of your mind. He was now just a faded memory of your first love. You now lived in San Francisco with your friend Madison, you moved there after Barry killed himself, you were the one who found him. Speaking of Madison, she had dragged you out to a club because you refused to have any fun in life. You were a werewolf, you were trying to avoid hunters but unfortunately this happened to be something you couldn't get out of which worried you as it was during the cycle of the full moon. Madison and you were grabbing your drinks when a co-worker of hers showed up, Nate Mulligan. You knew he had a thing for Maddie but wouldn't tell her that he was serious about her because you wanted to see when she would figure it out.

"Hey Maddie. Listen I really hate to pull you away, but I'm gonna need you to come back to the office with me." Nate said turning to your closet friend. You and a few of the other girls began to smirk.

"Really?" Maddie replied.

"Yeah. Turns out I've got to file those docs by midnight-" Nate started.

"Midnight?" Maddie questioned with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need you to, um... This isn't working at all is it?" He said realizing that his plan failed. Maddie laughed.

"No it's not, Nate." She said chuckling a bit.

"Listen, I've had a couple and I really shouldn't drive could you just give me a lift-" He started.

"I've already called you a cab. I'll see you in the morning Nate." Maddie said smiling. He then gave up and walked away as you all started laughing.

"Well I'm gonna head home too, it's getting late and I don't feel too good." You stated to Maddie. 

"Oh, really (N/n)? I was hoping you'd stick around a bit longer." Maddie said sadly.

"Yeah, sorry Maddie. I'm just not feeling so hot." You said before giving her a quick hug and leaving. You got to the apartment you shared with Maddie getting ready to stay up all night so you wouldn't turn. It worked most times and others when you turned you ended up in the woods with no dead bodies so it was fine either way, you just didn't like not remembering what happened that night.

Maddison answered the door as you got out the shower, a towel wrapped around you. You had the next few days off of work to help out around the house with Maddison, after she found Nate's body ripped to shreds. You walked through to the kitchen only to see Maddison talking to one real tall guy and a shorter guy. "Hey Maddison, what's with the feds?" You asked. Maddison turned around to see you standing there with a raised eyebrow dripping water everywhere.

"(Y/n), go and put some clothes on." She scolded you. You rolled your eyes and went to get changed quickly. "Would you mind waiting for my room mate to get back?" You heard her ask the feds.

"Sure." You heard them reply. You walked through a few minutes later towel drying your hair before chucking it into the laundry room that was beside the kitchen. 

"So you were Nate Mulligan's assistant right." The taller one asked Maddie as you sat down. 

"For two years, yeah." She replied. 

"So you knew all about him, yeah?" The shorter one asked. You let out a snicker. "Something funny, Miss?" The short one asked me.

"Maddie here probably knew more about the guy than he did. Nate was a good bloke but put a few drinks in him and he would start hitting on anyone within a five mile radius. You know the type?" You told the feds.

"(Y/n)!" Maddie scolded you.

"Yeah. I do, actually." The taller one agreed as he saw his partner giving Madison a lecherous grin. 

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