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You were a girl, around the age of sixteen, who had a "happy" life... or so others thought. You lived with a Mom, Dad, and two elder brothers. Your brothers' names were Nico and Hoshi. Nico was the eldest sibling of you three. Both Nico and Hoshi cared for you no matter what. If something happened to you, they both were always there to make sure that you were okay. Your parents on the other hand, not so much... Since you were the first born girl in the family, they had high expectations for you. They expected you to be girly and proper, yet... you knew you weren't. You knew that you couldn't meet their expectations. You tried everything that you could to try and make them understand that you weren't the girl that they expected you to be. From that moment on, you decided to live with your family until you could move out to Anima City. Each and everyday would get worse and worse with your parents. They would beat you to no end.. They would starve you.. They wouldn't give you water unless they thought it was necessary.. but you still stayed. You decided to go through all of that pain so that one day, you could make them understand that you stayed because you still loved them despite all of the things they did to you... you just hoped that they saw all of the love that you had. You and your brothers were hiding a secret from your parents; a really big secret. One day, you and your family were driving to a party for your Father's job. You all were a tad bit late so your Father decided to run a red light and deal with the ticket later, but little did he know that the turnout would end horribly. You five were hit head on and the car flipped over about two times in mid-air and landed on the roof of the car. You all were rushed to the hospital. You and your siblings all shared a hospital room because before you and your parents split up, you parents said to put you all in the same room yet you nor your brothers knew that because you three were unconscious. While you three were unconscious you all had to have a blood transfusion because you three had lost a lot of blood in the accident. The hospital had made a "mistake" and had given you three beastman blood instead of human blood. When you all got discharged from the hospital you all went straight home to get some more rest. That night, you three were going to sleep in Hoshi's room because it was the biggest, but before you three decided to sleep, you wanted to play some games and sing karaoke. When you went up to sing, you felt really itchy, but brushed it off. Your brothers looked at you shocked and told you that you had turned into a beastmen. When you opened your eyes you saw that they, too, had changed into beastmen as well. You three tried all night to figure out how to change back and when you did, you changed between your two forms just to make sure you knew how to change without you accidentally changing into your beastman form when near your parents.

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