Left Behind

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When I woke up, the pizzeria was deserted. Everything around me was dark. "Hello?!", I asked, as if I was expecting a response. Of course, I didn't get one. I couldn't believe that they had left me behind. I looked at the time on the clock on the wall. 11:55 P.M.. Figures. I walked over to the front door and tried to open it. It just wouldn't budge though.

I started walking around, hoping that I'd find someone. I turned down the hall, looking for someone, anyone. 

As I was walking, I heard something move behind me. I didn't think much of it, until I heard someone say, "You aren't supposed to be here." I whipped around, but no one was there. At least, until I was grabbed by someone. 

They started dragging me, while I was struggling to break free. They suddenly stopped when we reached a certain spot. "Listen, if you want to stay alive, don't even try anything.", they said. I stopped struggling, afraid for my life. 

I was staying silent and trying to stay calm, until I heard someone yell, "DAD?! What the hell are you doing with her?!" It was a farmiliar voice. A British accent. I turned my head every so slightly, and saw... Michael?! 

Whoever it was let me go, and quickly said, "Michael, get back into the office now!" I scrambled back onto my feet, and when I turned around, I saw William Afton. Michael's dad. 

I barley had time to think, when Michael had yelled, "(Y/N)! Take the keys and RUN!" He tossed me the keys and I caught them, quickly sprinting back towards the main room. 

When I got out to the main room, I quickly went over to the large glass doors and unliocked them, quickly opening them. I ran outside and stopped to process eevrything. I leaned against the wall to think about everything. 

Michael Afton x Reader ~ 'Til the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now