New House

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Andrea Johnson ^^^^^^^

Welcome to my hell my name is Andrea Johnson you may be wondering how does a guy have a girl name well I'm a transgender girl this is my girl name I chose, I'm not gonna mention my boy name cause it doesn't matter.
Anyway back to the topic my mom moved us to this new big house cause my dad threw us to the curb for me being trans but fuck him he lost a great daughter and wonderful wife. 

But right now she's just being annoying talking  about all the chlothes she wants me to try and dresses *ugh*  I don't do dresses I'm into big  chlothes and whatever the hell I want. 

As we're driving into the driveway the realtor drives away really fast but not before saying sorry to me personally and then speeds up, weird, anyways as we make it out of the car and I'm helping my mom unpack there's this god like man coming out of  his car and sniffing the air then looking at me and smirking as if he won the lottery. 

I roll my eyes at him and walk into the house but not before i see a sign that says " Do Not Enter If You Value Your Life" 

Right in front the house my mom just bought with all her savings and mine. "great, just great" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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