(Chapter 9)

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(Ballora's pov)
Baby filled me in on what was going on. I ran to Bryan’s room but couldn't find him. I ran to the portal smiling as I saw him. but his arms and hands were flinching and shaking almost as when we lost control of ourselves. I walked towards him scared I put a hand on his shoulder as he slowly turned away. I saw one of his eyes had a dark purple pupil and his other was all black with a sharp dark blue pupil and a creepy corrupted smile as he pulled out a knife as he turned around and stepped toward me. "B-Bryan! Stop! What's going on with you!' I saw under his gloves were  stitches and bits of wires. I looked at him in horror this whole time he has been like us.....a machine......something that can be programmed.......and tossed aside I looked at bryan as I kept looking in his eyes. "I can't fix you." My eyes went wide hearing this as I ran out of the portal room. Bryan followed as  I ran all the way towards the tent only for me to  trip and fell. I tried to get up feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Bryan. I closed my eyes and waited for him to end it but I heard a thud. I opened them and saw Bryan on his side. I pulled the knife out of my shoulder and went to him as he opened his eyes seeing they were normal as he sat up rubbing his head.  "What happened?" I saw his glove slightly off and saw the stitches as I held his arms. "Bryan what is this?" I noticed he looked at me then his arms. "oh an old thing I had since I was little." I looked at him and forced myself to smile warmly. "Okay hide this okay?" I saw him nod as my mother was coming out. I saw him look at my shoulder seeing my wound. "Ballora! What happened?!" I had forgotten all about it as I tried to think of a way to hide this.  "O-oh it's Nothing promise." I saw him nod looking worried. "Okay.." 


Aaron pushed the red button again. As the lights flickered again showing a female little girl animontaic.

 As the lights flickered again showing a female little girl animontaic

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Kai looked at the Animontaic closely, seeing it was made to look like a little girl. The girl had orange hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a red jacket, a skirt, black legs with red shoes. But Kai looked at her face seeing a forced smile and pain in its eyes. But that wasn't possible, it was just a machine. "Good job! Sally looks perfect and ready for her next show! Now lets go forward into the next room." Kai looked at everyone as they went into the next room. They opened the door looking through seeing a control room of sorts. "Welcome to Clover's room now let's see what Clover is up to please push the red button." Simon pushed the red button as the light's flickered showing a stage and what looked like a prize corner but no Clover. "It seems like Clover thinks she has better things to do lets movative her with a controlled shock." Simon's last friend pushed the blue button then Simon pushed the red button as the light flickers showing still no Clover. "It seems like Clover hasn't been fully movative lets give her another control shock." Simon's Friend pushed the blue button but the lights above them dimed and turned off. "Oops looks like a system failure. Please hold still while I try to correct this error. I will be temporary offline and so will the falling systems: Elevator, Locks, Doors, and Oxygen." Kai's eyes went wide hearing the list of offline systems. "Hhhheeelllllloooo in there~" A child's echo said as they looked around seeing no one around as the female Elevator voice came back. "Motion Tigger Sally Play Time vent, Motion Tigger Qc's Pulor, Motion Tigger Breaker Room." Aaron backed into the desk as James covered his mouth. "W-w-what do we do??" Aaron asked. Simon shrugged and looked at his other friend. "Alex any ideas?" Alex looked at the desk. "There is a crawl space under the desk big enough for two people." He looks and sees a vent. "And a vent big enough for one of us." Kai held up fingers doing the math. "That means two of us will have to stay out here." Simon gulped and looked at the others. "I call the desk!" he yelled as he crawled under the desk with kai as Alex climbed into the vent. "Why us?" James asked annoyed. "Because you were too slow buddy." Kai said covering up the crawl space as he and Simon listened closely hearing small feet chattering and small voices whispering and laughing. Everything went quietly till the screams of Aaron and James filled the room. Kai opened the crawl space seeing they were gone but a trail of blood leading out the door as Alex climbed out of the vent. "Where are they?" Before Kai or Simon could answer the voice came back on the intercom. "It appears you'll have to manually restart the sytstem please make your way into Qc's pular and head as quickly as possible to the breaker room." Simon looked at Alex then Kai for an answer. Kai just nodded as he exited Clover's room to head to Qc's pular as Simon and Alex followed. Kai opened the door to Qc's pular and gulped as Alex walked into the room. "Let's do this.." Smion nodded as Kai sighed.

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