Chapter 13

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They all moved to New York. They got houses all of them. Rebekah Hayley Freya and Bonnie are sharing a house. Elena and Kol. Caroline and Klaus. Henrick Jeremy Alaric and Elijah. They were happy about what they were doing. It was the best for all of them.

Elena was unpacking things. Jordan was sleep and Kol had went out with Klaus to do something. She was setting everything in there right places. When she heard the door open."In here" Elena called.

She heard people walk in but she was looking at a picture of Her Jenna and her parents.


She turned around and seen Jenna."Jenna." Jenna nodded. She went and gave her a hug.

"And thats how you outdo your wife for your first anniversarry." Kol smirked.

"Oh shut it" Klaus said.

"It's not until tomorrow. I wrote it on the calendar and reminded you." Elena said.

Jordan started to cry. Kol went and got her. After changing her he came back with her.

"So this is the baby" Jenna asked. Kol handed Jordan to her.

"Jordan. I won the argument." Elena smiled.

"I will still be calling her Anna" Kol said.

"What aregument" Jenna asked.

"The one argument they had she wanted to name the baby Jordan he wanted Annabeth she won in the end." Klaus said.

"Jordan Annabeth Mikaelson" Elena said.

Caroline and Bonnie ran in."Jenna."

"Hi" Jenna said.

"Oh anyway we came for Elena. Why didn't we know your anniversarry was tomorrow Rebekah told us." Caroline squealed.

"It's our third one. Three years tomorrow that he remembers he courted me." Elena said.

Caroline started to talk really fast."But you were supposed to tell us. I am the best party planner you know. Especially when i team up with Rebekah and you didn't bother to tell me i am supposed to know you didn't tell me-"

Elena vamped to her and snapped her neck."She'll wake up in ten minutes she'll be fine But she's rambling again and that is not good,"

"You snapped her neck" Bonnie said.

"She'll wake up in a few minutes hers doesn't last that long." Elena said.

"Remind me never to do that to irritate her" Klaus said.

"She threatened to snap my neck and let Jordan cry until i wake up" Kol said.


Ten minutes later Caroline woke up."Seriously."

"You were rambling i love you Care but it was really irritating and i didn't want to hear it" Elena said.

"At lease your honest." Caroline said.

Elena took Caroline's hand and helped her up."I didn't tell anyone. Because i just wanted it to be just us three. If i let you and Rebekah do her party when it comes up will you drop it  Elena asked.

"6 months to throw a huge party for my neice. Seriously." Caroline asked.

"You were gonna hijack whatever i tried to do anyway" Elena said.

"Your probably right about that" Bonnie said.

"I have planning to do happy early anniersarry i gotta go tell Rebekah." Caroline vamped in.

Elena went and took Jordan from Jenna."Your gonna hate them growing up. Warning Mommy didn't do it." She went back to the picture she was looking at.

"They'd be proud of you Elena" Jenna said."You made a difference and thats all that matters. You got the life you wanted you didn't let someone force you to have."

"I know i just wish they could have been here to see it."  Elena went and gave it to Jenna,"You should keep it."

"Are you sure" Jenna asked.

"Yeah. Me and Jeremy split the rest of the pictures." Elena said. She didn't need it when she had everything else."Take it. I got more you don't. I also got a lot of your stuff somewhere."

"I'll see you later i should go see Jeremy let him know i'm back." Jenna said.

Elena shifted Jordan in her arms and gave Jenna a hug."See you later."


The next morning Elena woke up and Kol wasn't there. She got out of bed and went and looked for him. She found him in the living room playing with Jordan. She went and sat next to them."Morning"

"Morning Darling you ok." Kol asked.

"Great i can't believe we courted three years ago on a technicality." Elena smiled.

"I wasn't gonna at first i was scared you were going to say no" Kol said.

"What" Elena asked. She had never known.

"All my brothers were not with anyone unless Tatia counts. Neither was Rebekah. I was gonna be the only one and i was terrified that you were gonna say no. Rebekah and Nik pushed me to do it and it was the best decision i ever made" Kol said.

"You were so confident when you asked. I never would have thought you were second guessing youself" Elena said.Jordan started clapping."Someone's happy you followed through."

"If i didn't she wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have you." Kol said.

"one decision got you the two best things in your life." Elena smiled.

(Hope y'all like it one of two more chapters before epilouge)

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