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redactum skullus . shrinks the head of the target

reducio . makes an object shrink in size

reducto . breaks objects. in stronger uses, it disintegrates them

refilling charm* . refills whatever the caster points at with the drink that was originally in the container

reparifors . reverts minor magically induced ailments, such as paralysis and poisoning

reverte . returns objects to their original positions or states

relashio . forces the target to release its grip on whatever it is holding

rennervate . awakens an unconscious victim

reparifarge . used to reverse incomplete transformations

reparo . seamlessly repairs broken objects

repello muggleturn . keeps muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the muggles in questions to forge what they were doing

repello inimicum . disintegrates the persons entering this charm

revelio . reveals secrets about a person or object

rictusempra . tickles the target until they become weak with laughter

riddikulus . a spell used when fighting a boggart. forces the boggart to take the appearance of an object the caster is focusing on

rose growth* . causes rose bushes to grow at an unusually fast pace

rowboat spell* . makes boats row themselves

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