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sorry i skipped so far along there's just nothing important to write in september or october so we have halloween-Jayden
Ginny's POV
I woke up from my dream to a quite dorm room which is unusal with the girls because they're early-risers i look at my alarm clock and see the time, it's 4:45 in the morning no wonder they aren't up yet but Luna should be up soon because i remeber her telling me that she like to get to breakfast early and read her book while we eat. I decided that i would wait up for Luna because it's pointless to try when she'll be up in 5 minutes.

Luna's POV
I woke up to my alarm and when i got out of bed i saw Ginny sitting up in bed and that in it's self is weird because she gets up at the very last minute and even then we still have to sometimes wake her up so when curiosity got the better of me i asked what she was doing up so early and aparently her dream had woken her up early so we decided to get ready together. We were just finishing getting ready when Ginny said she couldn't find her lipbalm so i told her the nargles probably took it as there were alot in the dungen because some Gryffindors decided to hang up some mistletoe down here.

After everyone got to breakfast (sorry i'm lazy)

Ginny's POV
Me and Luna had already finished eating when everyone else came down so Luna decided to read her book while i talked potions with Graham and he gave me some tips which will be really helpful for class this morning. It was time for transfiguration after we all finished eating i was dreading this class because we had it with the Gryffindors and i really don't like those egotistical prats and McGonnagal plays favorites with them it's not fair because when one of us gets it right on the first try we only get 5 points but when one of them gets it on the first try they get 15 points it's just not fair.

Percy's POV
Transfiguration was not too fun today all we did was listen to a lecture on safe transfiguration methods because last time a Gryffindor transfigured their hand into a feather and let's say it was not pretty. After that lecture was done we got some free time so i went over to Hang out with Ginny and the girls Annabell and Ginny were talking about quittditch and Luna was reading a transfiguration book and realised that it was the one with all the misprints of words and grammer issues in it so i went up to Luna to see what page she was on and it was the page with all the grammer issues in it so i pointed it out to Luna and we had a good laugh.

After classes and dinner

Annabell's POV
The Great hall was amazing with all the decorations and floating pumpkins in it and we had a feast the gang stuffed themselfs full of food and right now we are sitting in the common room talking with the Slytherin team about plays beacuse they begrudingly might i add admitted that they needed help to beat Gryffindors and we were good on the field their words not mine so me and the gang are helping Luna, Percy and Graham are helping with how the Gryffindor play because they are surprisingly good at observeing and Me, Ginny, Cassius, Marcus, Adrian, Terrence, Oliver are helping make Slytherin plays on what the other three tell us.

Well after midnight

Ginny's POV
It's well past midnight right now and we're just finishing up all the plays right now. We just finished the last play and they told us to go to bed because we had classes in the morning which i was thankful for because I was beat and wanted to sleep so that's exactly what i did after I did my before bed routine and said goodnight to the girls.

Sorry it's so late i'll try to have the next one before Christmas but no promises but hope you enjoy -Jayden

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