the only part

45 2 8

Hello! I have no idea why I am doing this but here is...


"Ok and...there!" *knock knock*
"Hey Germany, are you in there?"
"ya Poland come on in!" Germany was working on some sort of...thing? It had a big switch and four beds,
"So are you finally going to tell me what you are doing?" Poland asked Germany,
"you'll see, get Japan, Italy, and Russia" Germany told Poland
"ok?". Poland left Germany's home and whent to get the people Ger told him to, *knock knock*
"hay Italy Ger needs you in his...lab? I don't know what he calls it" Porland told Italy,
"ok! And I don't think anyone knows what he calls it." Italy and Poland left, Italy whent to Germany's house and Poland whent to Russia's home, *knock knock*
"ONE SEC!" there was a bit of banging then Rus opened the door, "oh hay Pol!"
"Rus Ger needs you in his lab-thing..."
"ok" Rus left and Poland flew to Japan's home. *Knock*
"Hay Japan Ger needs you in his lab thing"
"ok!" Japan trend into her power form as her and Poland flew to Germany's home.
"Hay Ger we a-wait a that a body?!" one of the beds looked like it had a body under the weight sheet,
"yes, if you check the others, one has crushed rock and the others have dust, can you guess what this is now? Hay Rus came over here" Russia walked over to Germany who was holding a needle of glowing red and gold stuff, "just so I know, does anyone have any siblings?"
"no" everyone but Russia and Poland said
"ok good", Germany stabbed Russia's arm with the needle and injected the stuff into him, he then walked over to stand on a platform beside the bed with the body, "if you see your flag on the end of the bed stand on the platform next to it and Poland will flick the lever when we are all situated." everyone did as Germany said

"Everyone ready?" Poland asked, everyone nodded "ok here goes! 3...2...1!" Poland flicked the big lever and everything went dark,


"Japan can you not scream?! The power will come back on shortly!" as Germany said the power came on and now there were bodies under all of the sheets and,


"Russia is fine," Germany said dragging the fainted man up against the wall next to Poland, "He just had ⅘ of his fathers essence ripped out of him so I knew he was going to faint,"Germany got up and checked under the bed that Russia was next to, "let's make sure he has this!" he pulled out a box and just as he did the body under the sheet sat up,

"What the f**k?! Where am I?!"

"Calm down and put on the outfit in the box ok?"

"Who are you?! Where a-"

"What did I just say?"

"Fine" as the person said that there was more movement under the sheet and then the one that Germany was next to just yelled "WTF WHAT IS HA-"

"Shut up! And put this on" Germany slipped another box under thouses covers,

"Wait, Ger? Is that you?"

"I will explain after you get that on." then


"Japan can you not scream for one second?!" Germany put another box under the sheet there, "3..2..1" scilents, nothing

"What was supposed to happen?" Poland asked

"Italy, do you have a sibling?"

"Oh sh- yes! Vatican!" Germany left as the first bed took the sheet of,

"Omg omg how?!" Poland asked as the body was known to everyone in the room,

"D-dad?" Russia was awake and his eyes widened, "shit shit shit!!DAD WH-HOW WTF DID GERMANY DO!?"

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