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                     Centuries-old was the story of War between Heaven and Hell, the Devil versus the angels and the defeat of Evil was foretold for a long time and when it came to Lucifer fighting his brother Michael, God announced the prophecy of Michael slaying the Devil and it was this day that truth finally came to pass.  The War ended within the Heavens when the Devil laid slain before the throne of God, Michael shook with shock and regret at the sight of his blade sticking from the body, God stepped forward to kneel beside his fallen star.

"My poor shining star, this may seem cruel now but in time you will see that this could be for the best.  Michael, don't feel too bad, this isn't the end for your brother."  With a wave of his hands, the essence of the Devil was taken, his form disappeared as Michael watched his Father place Lucifer within a new form.  A smaller form...

                     Mortals lived such short lives, a new love blossoming and with it, a family has started with the first cries of a newborn, and with them, a baby boy has joined a loving couple that would cherish their son.  Little Lou was his name, raised by a mother and father that adored him, taught him to walk and talk, showed him the beauty of the outside world but it wasn't to last when the little boy lost his parents to an accident in town involving a robbery and a shooting.  Lou became an orphan and taken to the orphanage around the age of nine, he was such a beautiful boy with golden locks and deep blue eyes, he had this eerie charm around him that drew many to fall in love with the little lad.  The children enjoyed playing with him, the adults lavished him with hugs and kisses, unfortunately, some men got a little handsy with him and at first, he was just scared and tried to run.  Tried to hide but in the end, he was used and abused by greedy mortals who didn't care whether they tarnished innocence, it was all about power and the boy paid for it dearly over the years until he turned fifteen and ran away.  The city was bustling with the new industry of business within New Orleans, he was inexperienced, he knew very little about the world and when it seemed like he would starve if he didn't do something... young Lou began sleeping with older men for money.  Working the streets and using his looks to keep himself fed, clothed, and out of the cold, Lou hated the world as he watched from the sidelines, humans used one another and never cared for anything but themselves.  It was hard for him to survive, he often asked himself why he was put in this world and why he didn't just end himself but there was one thing in his life that he found enjoyment with and that was listening to the radio where a man's voice made things better.  He was a cheery fellow that always brightened the day, he was funny and full of life that Lou wished he could have the same life and personality as the Radio Host named Alastor.

"You're never fully dressed without a smile~"  Listening to him sing lifted Lou's spirit, he would sing along with his songs and even went about singing with his clients as he laid with them.  There were things about himself he never understood, how his looks always attracted others to him, he wasn't well educated but that didn't stop others from having a conversation and giving him free food for just giving small performances.  Things were changing as he got older, close to eighteen now, he would be walking down the street as cars passed by, with the times changing drastically and more vehicles on the streets.  Chaos was bound to happen, he watched this man dressed in red walking across the street and then suddenly fall to his knees in the middle of the road.  It was like being a deer stuck in headlights as Lou watched this and hearing a car rushing down the street towards the fallen man, something within him churned and made him rush forward to grab the other and pull him out of the street.

"Get up!  Come on move it!"  He shouted while dragging the other out of danger, they stumbled to where he landed on top of the man, grunting as his weight laid against the other and looking up to a brown hair and eyes man who's glasses were crooked.  His expression was shocked and dazed by what happened, Lou found himself staring for a bit before getting up to help the other sit up,

Devil's Pride:  An Alastor & Lucifer OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now