2. Allies or enemies?

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Third person POV:

The group has been walking for a couple of days now. They already visited two other towns, but no one knew someone in the village who would relate to a dragon.

"Ughhhh, how long is it going to take us to find her...?" Kija sighed. "At this point I don't think we'll ever find her." Jae-ha agreed. "Oh come on guys, don't be like that. I'm sure we'll find her sooner or later!" Yona said. "And how are we supposed to find her, when we don't even know where she could possibly be, and when these dragons can't sense her either, princess?" Hak teased her. "Shut up Hak!" Yona scolded him. "I think we should take a break from all the walking right now." Yoon offered. "Sure..." Yona said and everyone agreed.

𝑨 𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

Shin-ah POV:

I feel like... we're being watched from somewhere.... I thought. I look up and around to see if anyone is there, but I can't seem to find anybody near... "Shin-ah, is something wrong?" I hear someone asking. I turn around to see Yona looking at me with a worried expression. "Someone.... is watching.... us." I say. "Where?" Kija asked. Before I could answer I hear a loud shout coming from behind me. I turned around again to see a group of men approaching us slowly. "Someone is coming." I hear Jae-ha say. "Mhm." I nodded "Okay everyone, group up in the middle of the area." Hak commanded. I stood up and walked to the rest.

Third person POV:

The group quickly approached and after a few minutes a big group of men walked into the area. "Well well well, look what we've got here...." the man up front said. "A happy camping group, here in the forest. That's not something you see everyday..." he said. "But do you guys know that you're tresspassing OUR TERRITORY!?" "Wait, we are?" Yona asked. "This place isn't anyones territory. It's just a tresspassing forest." Yoon said. !"DID YOU JUST DARE TO SPEAK BACK TO ME, YOU BRAT!?" the man yelled. "Watch out guys, they're probably gonna attack...." Hak said, while pulling out his weapon. Shin-ah emmidiatly did the same, while Kija took the bandages off his claw.
The fight was about to start when.....

"YOU DARE TO ATTACK THESE PEOPLE ZENAKU!?" someone shouted. Everyone looks up to the left to see someone with a cape and hood on. "Well well, look who decided to show up." the man who just got called Zenaku smirked. "Oh shut your trap!" the masked figure said. "Leave now before i'll kill you!" "Tsk. Fine, but we'll be back..." he answered, and then he left with the rest of the group.

??? POV:

I look at Zenaku while he's leaving. I hate that guy, i think to myself. He won't hestitate to attack again and I know it. I sigh and turn to these other guys. "Now, who are you guys and what are you doing here!?" I ask them, quite rudely. "Uhm, well.... I am Yona and these guys are my friends. We're looking for someone actually." Yona answered. "Who are you looking for then!?" I asked as i'm starting to feel scared, because I feel my dragon senses tingeling. "We are looking for the black dragon actually." Yona answered. "We heard that she might be around in the nearby village..."

"I'm sorry." I responded coldly "but I think we don't have a black dragon in our village. So if that's all, I suggest you to leave." "But-" Yona said. "NOW!" I yelled.

"Now now sister, you don't have to be that rude." I hear someone say. "But Nate-" I respond "These people are probably very tired and need a place to stay, so the least we can do, is take them to the village to let them stay, okay sis?" He asked. I sigh. "Fine, but don't let them get near me...." I responded and I walked away.

Nathans POV:

"I'm very sorry for my sisters rudeness, but she can't really help it." I say to the group once she's gone. "It's okay!" the red haired girl said. "I'm Nathan, one of the villagers. Who are you guys if I may ask?" "I'm Yona, and these guys are my friends!" Yona replied. "Alright then, i'll take you guys to the village. Just follow me please!" I said to them.

Third person POV:

As soon as they arrive to the village, they are warmly welcomed by the villagers. "Wow, everyone is so friendly to us!" Kija said. "Yeah, but that one girl wasn't really nice...." Jae-ha replied. "Her brother said she couldn't help it, so don't make a big deal out of it." Yona said to them. "I don't really trust her, to be honest..." Hak said. "But she helped us Hak, so why wouldn't you trust her?" Yona asked him. "She gives me the shivers if you ask me." Yoon said "Zeno thinks we still need to thank her for helping us with those guys earlier!" Zeno said. "I don't think you'll get another chance to talk to my sister again..." Nathan suddenly said. "She really hates talking to people...." "Why?" Yona asked him. "I'm not the one that should tell you guys..." he replied. "But I can tell you one thing.... You guys don't trust her, but she doesn't trust you guys either, and if you want to earn her trust, you'll have a long way to go...."

{𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑖𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙} AkaNoYona fanficWhere stories live. Discover now