The inquisitor

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"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I yelled, as Vader sent another hot slice to my chest, which would definitely leave a scar.

"Where are the children? Where is your rebel base?" His robotic voice said impatiently.

"I'll never tell you." I replied weakly but firmly.

He proceeded to give me yet another painful step in the arm, which once again made me call out in pain.

"Tell me and I will spare you a great deal of pain, I will spare you your life."

"No you won't, you'll just kill me anyway!" I said madly. That was when he gripped onto my throat tightly, squeezing the life out of me instantly. 

"I will deal with the boy." Came another voice, before the pau'un walked in revealing his pale white face, followed by a sinister smile.

That was when Vader finally released me from his tight grasp, leaving the room. 

"So who are you?" I said flatly.

"I am the inquisitor." He started.

"I am sure Vader has already given you a lot of physical pain, but I've learnt that it is really the inside that you must break, in order to give real pain." He explained.

Then came in a torture droid, who injected me with a blood red chemical, causing a significant amount of pain. I could feel the effect taking place immediately, as a strange obstacle moved towards my head, dizzing me out. The liquid was making me weaker by the second, and I could just feel more and more of it coursing through my veins towards my brain.

The inquisitor inched towards me, before placing a hand onto my head, asking me about what I was so eager to hide. The pain from the chemical was more than enough, but this, this was just even more difficult for me to hide my thoughts. 

However, that didn't stop me from doing my best to lock him out, keeping him at bay, stopping him from getting the answers he needed. What was worse was that at that same moment, the torture droid was starting to zap me. 

"Tell me. Where is your rebel base."

I can't. No I won't. If I did than all that would be left in the galaxy would be oblivion and turmoil.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. While moving my head from left to right, doing my best to cease the pain. He was about to pull out his lightsaber when a hole was suddenly cut in the wall by two pure white blades.

The inquisitor lost his attention on me and focused on my saviour. Without a second to waste Ahsoka quickly leaped through the wall destroying the torture droid in an instant, while blocking the inquisitor's double bladed lightsaber with her shoto. She kicked him a few feet backwards causing him to stumble backwards. She cut me loose before running up to the inquisitor with everything she's got.

I dropped to the ground as she continued to fight. She performed all sorts of tricks onto him: swiping, stabbing, striking and swinging. I heard the blades clashing onto each other every second, doing their best to outmatch their opponents.

The fight went on forever, as the two fighters did all they could to keep up with each other. Even with my vision clouded, I could sense Ahsoka getting more and more confident, while the inquisitor's courage was starting to fade.

Before I knew it, the sounds of two lightsabers dropped towards the ground, followed by the two halves of a pale lifeless body. Thank force, she's done it.

I struggled to get up, failing at every attempt until Ahsoka grabbed me and pulled me onto her ship. She gave me a kiss before setting me down gently, as we emerged into hyperspace, far away from the dreadful planet of Mustafar.

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