chapter 39

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I immediately tried to stand up, desperate to escape before anyone could come and stop me, but my legs gave way almost immediately and I fell back into the seat.

I'd forgotten how weak I would be after weeks of not walking, not eating properly and being drugged.

I looked down at my bruised legs and tried to start raising them up and down, forcing my muscles to re-engage with my brain's will. It was hard to do and the exertion made me sweat, but slowly some of the feeling came back into my limbs.

I attempted to stand again, bracing myself against the chair and successfully managed it. I could feel the blood rushing through my body and the warmth in my legs felt strange but pleasant.

I sighed in relief and looked around the room. It was the same as always of course, but this time I was looking at it with a fresh perspective.

I glanced over at the large metal door and already knew it wasn't an option. Even if it was unlocked, there was a definite chance that guards would be somewhere beyond it. I could barely walk, let alone run or fight.

I hobbled over to the sink and ran the tap, cupping water in my bony hands as I desperately consumed it. I threw some over my face too and the cold droplets helped to wake me up.

My eyes darted over to the boarded up window. I hadn't paid much attention to it since the first time I'd woken up, it seemed pointless when I hadn't the means to reach it. But it was different now. Now it might be my only chance.

It was fairly high, a good distance taller than me but I knew that if I stood on one of the chairs, I'd be able to reach it with ease.

I walked back over to my original seat and grabbed my coat, wrapping it around me tightly. The warmth felt soothing and I was relieved for the first time to feel even slightly dressed. It was the closest to humane I'd been in a long time.

For a brief moment, my brain wondered what would be waiting for me on the other side of the window. I knew it would looked crazy to see a half naked girl staggering around; I just had to hope that the first people to find me would be able to help.

I focused my attention back into the room and tried to lift the chair, but it was heavier than I'd imagined. My weak wrists weren't helping but I strained against the pain, eventually managing to lift it in small doses, setting it down every time I ran out of breath or strength. I contemplated dragging it along the ground instead, but I was too scared someone outside might hear the disruption and come running.

The toll it took on my body to move the simple object was overwhelming. Anyone who saw me would've probably thought I'd spent hours in the gym from the amount I was sweating and panting, but I pushed past my fatigue.

Finally, I placed the seat under the window and stepped onto it carefully, pulling myself up with the window ledge. The adrenaline seemed to be kicking in now and I felt a new strength course through my veins as my legs locked into place.

I inspected the sight in front of me for a moment. It had been thoroughly boarded up with thick cardboard and duct tape, they'd clearly been prepared for the possibility of me reaching it.

I listened carefully, straining my ears as I managed to hear the faint whistle of wind and rustle of leaves. It was the first external noise I'd heard in weeks, my first taste of the outside world, and for a moment I felt a childish joy soar through me.

All that stood between me and freedom was this piece of cardboard.

I pulled the knife from my pocket, fumbling as I flicked it open. I quickly ran it along the spots that had the duct tape, slicing through them with ease.

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