Chapter 2| Sorrows

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Kunikida's POV

I let out a loud grunt.

What the hell is taking Dazai so long?

It's almost the end of the day, the sun is setting and that suicidal sh*t still hasn't showed up.


My face scrunched up in annoyance as I bought my fingers to massage my forehead.

This seriously stresses me out.

He's behind schedule!


"Don't be so stressed Kunikida-kun~ why don't we eat some snacks?"

Ranpo offered, his hand extending a bag of chips as his cheeks was full of who knows what.

"No thanks"

I simply replied, declining the offer as I'm not really a fan of chips or whatever. Who knows? Maybe there's too much salt in it.

I sighed as I took out my notebook, attempting to relax myself as I scribbled my ideals through it.

I was absorbed in my own world when the door creaked open. It's metallic and rusty creak echoing throughout the whole room.

Grabbing everyone's attention,
Our faces looked up to the figure who was now on the door.

It was Dazai.

"Dazai! What took you so lo-"

Carrying Atsushi's body.

His pale, unmoving body.

Alarmed, everyone shot up from their seats. All crowded the suicidal brunette. Including me.
Everyone asked question, all at the same time.

"What happened!?"

"Is he okay!?"

"Is he even breathing!?"

"Bring him to the infirmary!"

And I stood there, just waiting for those questions to be answered. And As the voices died down, I finally asked him.

"Is he even alive?"

Everyone looked at me surprised, their eyes widening in shock as some started to tremble. Maybe some took it as a joke. A horrible joke.
I looked at Dazai, his hair covering his face.


Dazai began, his face downwards.

"He's gone"

He finished, now looking at us, tears falling freely on his eyes.

There was a moment of silence.

That painful silence.

"You're kidding right?"

We looked to the source of the voice.

It was Kyouka.

"Akiko can save him, right?"

She continued, preventing her voice from breaking. She was hoping. We all are.

Akiko looked at her hesitantly, afraid of what to know.
Still, she stepped forward, but at the sight of the rope mark on his neck, she flinched. Touching the boy, she checked his pulse.

Another pause.

Was he alive?

Is he dead?

"I can't"

Text Messages (A Bungo Stray Dogs Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now