Part 4

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Previously on "The Dark Element"

"Gopal, Shut up"











CRASH!!!BOOM!! AHhHHhHhHh!!!!!!








What the hell........


Ying never expected this. Hell, She never even expected that he would be here, saving them. But that wasn't even the worse of all, The place in front of her was trashed.Scorch marks could be seen everywhere even having small amber's in their wake. Not to mention..

the deep cut marks tracing the walls,

earth remains on the hole,

Things thrashed around like there was a typhoon,

Plants littered everywhere, literally alive and snappy,


Ice remains....

What the hell indeed,

The place looks like it has gone through different kinds of natural disasters and heavy ones to top it off. But most importantly, Ying was not expecting him to arrive with Yaya to save both her and Gopal. Heck, she thought he was still grounded!!!But, he's here. REALLY HERE, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER VERY EYES!!!









Ok, Ying has officially lost it, if anything, the elemental friend of hers would never to anything this drastic and by drastic she meant REALLY DRASTIC. She could already tell that beside her, Gopal's feeling of fear had just doubled and disbelief could be seen in him. His "former" technically still best friend was seen being merciless. Gopal has NEVER AND HE MEANT NEVER SEEN BOBOIBOY SO MERCILESS.

Heck, He even constantly gave Adudu and probe mercy every single time even when they annoy the heck shit out of him.










Just what the heck happen!?

*ok, That's a lot of "heck's" there*Anyways, back to the story..

"Boboiboy!!! Stop, please, Ying and Gopal are alright...They're right here with me. Boboiboy look, They alright, so please stop."

Focusing her view on her gravitational friend, Ying took notice on how stressed she look as well as the fear that resides in her eyes. But her words caught her utmost attention, the way Boboiboy was acting was because of them?

Even after everything, he still cared no matter how ignorant her and Gopal were acting towards him?

Now she felt extremely guilty, more than she already is. Stones dropping rapidly into her stomach making it unbearably heavy. Suddenly, she felt something hot and wet on her face. She reached up to confront whatever it was only to realize that it was tears. She was CRYING....But she didn't know what was it for, the fact that she felt undeniably guilty until she cried or because of the scene displayed in front of her just because of her actions.


Those terrifying sounds snapped Ying out of her thoughts as she focused on the scene in front of her. Yaya was no longer besides her as she was now far in front of her struggling to hold her traumatized friend from bashing his enemies which she can tell was already unconscious or might be......NO...she didn't dare to think otherwise.

Turning on instinct, she grabbed Gopal's wrist and run at normal speed to her friend who seems to have calm down the other and letting go. Still feeling shocked from what he had seen, Gopal cowardly hid behind Ying who at the present moment ignored him but focused on who was in front of her. The look that was present of his face was unreadable to all of them, but that said, they have never seen him like that.

Yaya knew that personally because she had seen it happen from the beginning. Who knows how she will be able to cope now. However, she pushed that feeling away as she focused her priority on the boy she was previously holding within her powers. He looked so broken, the signature orange hat was surprising still intact on his head, only slightly singed from all the mess, hands full of scars even with a few blotch of blood remains. This was not him, what happened to him? How can I help him?


Heads shot up in the trashed place where they were gathered together but they never minded the mess but the disheveled leader in front of them whom now look nothing like said leader, only a broken boy.

Broken brown eyes stared back at two different shades of brown eyes and one blue pair of eyes, filling with so much fear and broken pieces that are beyond repair.

"I...I...What's happening to me..?"

Yaya almost cringed at his voice but kept it down, she didn't want Boboiboy to see that she was shaken and thought that she was terrified of her. It's not like she wasn't but it was unexpected to see that. Drawing a small smile and kneeling in front of him with a hand softly placed on on of his shoulder, like a mother comforting her nightmare-woken child who needed comfort.

"You'll be fine, everything's fine, Boboiboy. Just rest."

Hearing her comforting words and seeing the safety of his friends was the last thing he remember before the peaceful darkness claims his mind.

That's the end for now, guys. Hope you enjoy this part. I know I said I will wait for your response for this part but I got an idea already, you can still right down your comments to my post, I'll definitely use it in the near future. That's all from me, See you when I see you!!!


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