Graduation: MJ

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I did it! Harvard Valedictorian at age 19! Beat that @PBParker! But seriously, good job to you too!

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I did it! Harvard Valedictorian at age 19! Beat that @PBParker! But seriously, good job to you too!

@PBParker: Great job @QueenB_M_totheJ_!! Now we just have to wait for @NedwardLeeds_loves_StrWrs. And  I wouldn't say beat, check out my latest post!

@NedwardLeeds_loves_StrWrs -- amazing job Michelle! And, @PBParker, don't think i don't know that you two would have graduated at 16 or 17 if you weren't sticking around for my sake. But don't worry, just 1 and a half more years!!

@QueenB_M_totheJ_: yesss. This " college thang " is going great!

@Flash_spideyfan_Thompson: ugh, it's just the b***ch and Puny Penis Parker. Why make a big deal about it?!

@I_am_IronMan: WHAT did you just say??!!

@QueenB_M_totheJ_: stfu, Eugene. You haven't even graduated high school yet, and you're 19 and were supposed to graduate last year and this year. You're not leaving Midtown until you're twenty, and we just graduated Ivy League schools at nineteen.

@Betty_reporter_Brandt: umm, did no one else notice that TONY STARK just commented?!

@Flash_spideyfan_Thompson: Wow Parker, you're still on about that internship lie?! I knew you were desperate, but not THAT desperate.

Flash_spideyfan_Thompson has been blocked from commenting on this post.



Peter: how are you doing? I'm so proud of you, love!!

'Chelle: I'm doing pretty well, I'm proud of me too! Who else do you know that was made Harvard Valedictorian and graduated in a year with degrees in English, Activism, and Business?!

Peter: you're absolutely right. Tired?

'Chelle: yep. Wish you were here so I could cuddle you though.

Peter: yeah, trust me i know the feeling. Are we decorating our new floor this weekend?

'Chelle: you bet. About that, are we going to tell Ned?

Peter: nah, I think we should let him be surprised.

'Chelle: you know he's going to explode, right?

Peter: yep😂 it's going to be hilarious.

'Chelle: what do you think will surprise him most? The dating, the four year length of the dating, the fact that You're Peter Stark, the identity reveal, the big surprise, our other small surprise, or the surprise for him and Betty?

Peter: .....all of the above.

'Chelle: that sounds accurate.

Peter: we should try to keep it gradual though. So that he doesn't have a literal heart attack.that

'Chelle: good point. Love you darling, sleep.well.

Peter: goodnight, honey. Love you more.


The next chapter will be Peter's post, and the one after will be their meeting.

A/N-- I hope.I covered everything i wanted to, my original chapter draft deleted and wouldn't recover.

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