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You were wrong about the Mafia you've read about in books, and seen in movies...In real life, they are not who you'd wish to get kidnapped by. They are way more ruthless, violent and deceptive. The entertainment industry gives you a reason to be sympathetic with them, maybe it's a sad backstory that might involve them being forced into it, or some story that is meant for you to glorify them... Perhaps, some of these people were forced, but I'll have you know that majority were drawn to it due to the lust for money and most of all, power.

You were right about the fact that they follow a rule, which is the Omerta, (code of silence) but you were wrong about their ability to honour anything. If there's one thing you need to know about the real mob, it would be the fact that they don't value honour and loyalty.

When it comes to the real Mafia, and if you spot them? You run like hell, they aren't playing around—who am I kidding? If I spot the real mafia and a hot one likes me (bye mom, bye dad, time to live my dream)


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Only the first part is in third person. This particular part will be titled (Elio Marino)

The characters aren't perfect.

Development might take time, but it'll eventually happen.

Don't worry, I won't go deep into the real deal that goes down with the real Mafia, this is a book created for your enjoyment.

This book is mature. (In all aspect. Language, sex, violence) Trigger warnings: (suicide, mentions of domestic abuse, self-harm)

Updates will come up Monday, and Friday... there might be occasional surprise updates on Saturdays.

I do not condone plagiarism.

This is a DUOLOGY: (The first book is titled 'Elio Marino', which means, though we would get POVs from Zahra, this book will mostly be about Elio. The next book will be titled 'Zahra Faizan' where we'll get to learn more about Zahra. But don't worry, we're still learning more about both of them, only, Elio gets to reign in the spotlight this time.

It is a slow burn.

I love comments, so bless me with them.

This is the first draft, so it is not perfect, but I'll try my best to make it readable.

All translations are going to be from Google, as I'm not Spanish, but if you're from Spain, and you're reading this, tell me what needs changing.

I don't bite, stop by on my conversation board and tell me what you think of my book or literally just anything, how your day went or how you're falling for that boy or girl or person, Anything.

If you've successfully read everything above, scream, SPORT! 

If you're here from Instagram, say hi:


I know there would still be some of y'all below 18 reading this... I'm not gonna stop you cause I'm not your guardian, but as an adult, I shall warn you that there are some mature content you'll encounter... I'm sure you know this, you have an account on wattpad anyway, hehe... Either way, I'm not responsible for any possible damage this might cause to you, cause I did warn you... Yes you.

If you so wish to continue....

Welcome, sport!

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