i hate it here

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POV: you just got sold to tiktok star @brendanisuglyYou wake up to the incessant sounds of your mother cooking breakfast and based on the smell of burnt eggs wafting through the vents of your shitty house, it won't be very good. A crash comes from the kitchen followed by anguished screaming. There's no way you'll get back to sleep with all the noise, and you have to get up for school anyway. Surprise surprise, you're not like other girls. You're super mega foxy awesome hot, like so hot that you could rub dirt all over your face and not shower and boys would still lay down their lives for you. Who am I kidding, they'd probably call you a whore or something because men ain't shit. Anyway, you don't wear any makeup ever and your hair is always in a messy bun because that's a requirement on wattpad apparently. You wear graphic tees and leggings everyday because I don't know, you're quirky? Whatever, you throw on said leggings and graphic tee at random and then twist your lucious brown locks into a messy bun. Time to face your horrible horrible mother and ten siblings. You enter your kitchen to find your whole family already squished around the kitchen table. Your little siblings, who are children and by definition gross, have begun eating already. They're messy and disgusting and are covered in egg residue and ketchup. Apparently people put ketchup on eggs which sounds kinda awful but you do you. Your mother is the only one to acknowledge you. Notice how I didn't bring up your dad? He impregnated your mother eleven times and peaced the fuck out leaving you with major daddy issues that will definitely come up later in the story."Nice of you to join us, y/n," your mother scoffs. You sigh and sit down between two of your siblings. In case you forgot, they're gross and ketchup-y. #abolishbabies2020. "Sorry," you retort, "I was-" Your mother cuts you off, "I don't need your excuses. As you know, I'm a single mother to eleven children and money is tight. Instead of doing the logical thing and making you get a job, I've decided to sell you. "Sell me? Is that even legal?" Your mother shrugs, "Probably not, but apparently ridiculously hot but poorly dressed teen girls go for a lot of money on the black market." You fight the urge to cry. How could your mother sell you like that? I mean sure, she's a heinous bitch and is probably bitter about her vagina being destroyed from eleven separate childbirths, but you never expected her to literally sell you. After several moments of silence (other than the disgustings sounds of children eating eggs) you work up the nerve to speak. "Who have you sold me to, then?" A car door slams in the distance. "Ah, that's them now," your mother exclaims. "That didn't answer my question," you say. "Silence wench, and go pack a bag." You run back to your bedroom, too scared to face your new owners. Are they thugs? Sex traffickers? Straight tiktokers? None of the options seem good in your eyes. Now that you're alone in your room you let your tears fall. But I mean really, who would miss you? You only have one friend who's as ridiculously hot as you, but blonde and tries to get you to be more adventurous by wearing small articles of black clothing even though it's just not your style and your house is shitty and full of children who pretend you don't exist. Maybe getting sold is a good thing, you think. Your new outlook on the situation inspires you to get packing. You throw in all of your leggings and t-shirts, and the only nice dress you own, just in case. Of what I'm not sure, but still you pack the dress in case. You shove your toothbrush and some soap in the bag and zip it up, just as your mother calls you again. "Y/n don't be fucking rude! Your owners are waiting for you!" You take a deep breath then head back to the kitchen. You can hear your mother conversing with your new owner from the hallway. You can make out Niki Minaj's Standing Ovation playing quietly. What the hell, you think, why would someone be playing Niki Minaj's Standing Ovation? You cross the threshold into your messy kitchen and there standing amongst the eggs is popular Tik Tok star @brendanisugly

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