Chapter 2: Cut

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Naturally, y/n and Tom got along seamlessly. Granted, they almost immediately started spending all their time together to help build up their "chemistry," not that anyone thought they needed it.

I mean y/n was an astounding actor and Tom, well, he didn't have to act like he was into her at all. Who knows, maybe she didn't need to either.

I didn't see much of either of them unless we were on the same set at the same time, only grabbing a meal with my brother very once in a while. Otherwise, I was always so busy shadowing different people.

I'd admit I was jealous if I had the time, but being busy had its perks, I guess. I almost had no time to think about anything else at all, nevermind about how I felt.

Harry: "It's not like I had a chance anyway," I forced a chuckle as I facetimed Sam and Paddy one day, their questions always being about y/n.
Sam: "Because of who you are or who Tom is?"
Harry:"Both- Eh... More like because of who she is."
Paddy: "Right. We can't give Tom too much credit either," he snickered, "She probably wouldn't go for him either," he shrugged.

I kept my eyes closed, taking in each shiver as her lips touched mine softly between each sentence.
I was laying flat on the ground and she was snuggled up, resting on my chest to look down at me.

Y/n: "Are you thinking about your job again?" She asked quietly with another kiss.
Tom: "No," I paused to listen to the crickets echoing all around us, "I'm thinking about us."

It was suddenly dead silent and I opened my eyes to find her peering down at me curiously.

Tom: "I've just... Never met anyone like you before," my voice unintentionally raspy from the cold air.

She let out a subtle scoff and eyeroll, but whether it was because that was an obvious fact or because it was such a cliche line, I couldn't tell you.

She rolled over onto her own back and stared up at the stars above us and I followed suit.

Tom: "If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?"
Y/n: "Well, as of right now... I think I already have everything I need."

Our eyes met again as we both tilted our heads the proper ways for us to look at each other.
A small smile broke through on her face and it's almost like I couldn't control it, the warmth it radiated through my body, and I was suddenly propping myself up so that I could look down at her.

Tom: "You really are unlike anything else," I whispered before lowering myself down to kiss her again.
She giggled a little, pursing her lips contently when I pulled away to brush some hair behind her ears.
Y/n: "It's getting late," she finally whispered, our faces suddenly only inches away from each other again.

Our foreheads rested against each other now and I'd like to say her eyes were closed, but I wouldn't know because mine were.

Tom: "I know..." I sighed, "I'll visit again tomorrow..."
Y/n: "Or... You could spend the night."

Her words felt like butter and I wasn't even sure who I was anymore, the subtle smirky-smile on her face now unconsciously reflecting on my own without any effort.

Her eyes twinkled and if I looked hard enough, I could see the night sky in them.

I wanted to kiss her again, but-

James: "CUT!"
His voice snapping me back to reality.

Her mouth broke into a bigger smile, almost laughing, as if to release the pent up energy we needed to bury in order to film this scene. It made me laugh too, especially when people started clapping or cheering, and we both sat up as someone flicked on the lights.

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