Chapter 5

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Kageyama slowly blinked his eyes open. Where was he? He felt so...drained...


He opened his eyes the rest of the way and it took so much effort. Too much effort. He tried to turn towards the voice that was calling him, but didn't fully manage it. He didn't have the energy. Not to move, not to talk, barely even to think. His eyes drifted back shut.


He groaned.

"Kageyama, wake up!"

But I am awake.


Only recognizing Hinata's voice could make him try to speak, but it was the most pathetic attempt he had ever heard from anyone. Muffled by the grass growing on the ground that he couldn't even lift his head off of, he felt the frustration welling up in his eyes.

"Don't cry! It's okay, Kageyama-kun! I'll help you..."

What happened?

I don't remember anything.


"Are you confused? I bet you're confused. Oikawa-san took you and a few others, remember?"

I remember now.

He kept us in that horrid dungeon. He said that he was stronger than us now.

However Kageyama tried to keep them in, the tears leaked out anyway, glistening in the moonlight.

"Don't cry."

He sniffled a little.

Can't I talk? Say something, you idiot!

And then he cried harder.

"You want to tell me something, don't you? It's okay. I can wait. Would you like me to help you sit up?"

Kageyama used almost all of his strength to give a single, brief, nod, and felt his body lifted gently by the shoulder and leaned against a tree. He raised his head as much as he could manage to look at the redhead. He saw sleepless eyes filled with concern staring at him.

"Hey," Hinata said, smiling, "Welcome back."

I can't see him that well. I think it's around eleven at night right now.


"About a day."

He's been up all night for me.


"Are you sure? I can-"



Hinata curled up next to Kageyama, who put his arm around the redhead with some effort. His body seemed to be waking up now, though, and Hinata noticed Kageyama smile weakly at him. Seeing the smaller boy smile so big seemed to give the ravenette even more energy, enough energy to form the words he had wanted to say so badly.

"You came for me."

Hinata looked at him.

"Yeah. I love you, you stupid idiot."

"Heh...I'm hallucinating, aren't I."

"This a hallucination?"

"Uh- Yeah?"

"I'm going to prove it's not, but promise you won't try to make out with me. Making out is gross."

"I promise."

Hinata then kissed him, right on the lips. It was just a peck, but enough to make both of them turn a furious shade of red. Kageyama then leaned in again, and this time, their lips stayed together for a little longer. They broke apart.

"That wasn't making out, right?"

Hinata giggled.

"Making out is kissing with tongue, you idiot. That's why I don't want to do it. But no, that wasn't."

"Lips are fine?"

"Lips are fine."

"That's good. So I guess we're,, then...if you...?"

"Uh- yeah!"

Well, then. I swear to god when I wake up I'm gonna be crying.

The next morning, Sugawara woke up to see Hinata enclosed in Kageyama's arms, and two jackets on top of them both. Smiling, he set to work, kindling a fire so that they, especially Kageyama, could eat that day.

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