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[Jun POV]

I entered her room and saw her lied on her bed.

 "Are you okay Y/n?" I asked because her face becomes paler.

 I hold her hands. She nodded. Suddenly, 

"Jun, remember that I always love you. You are the first guy that I loved." She said while breath with shock quick breathes. I panicked. 

"Y/n, please. Don't go. Hold on, I call the doctor and the nurse" I can't let her hands go.

 I said while pressing a button to call the doctor. 

"Y/n, please. I'm scared of losing you" I said. The doctor and the nurse open the door and I heard a sound.


It was the pulse machine sound. She's gone. She's died. Her hands become cool and her eyes were close. My tears fell and I cried. 

"Y/N!!! WHY?!" I said with a crack voice. It's like my life ends too.

I kissed her forehead.

 "Goodbye, dear. Sleep tight sweetheart. See you up there. Wait for me. I always love you, remember that" my tears fell on her cheeks.

 You always in my heart.


It has been 2 weeks after Y/n died. Suddenly, MRS. Do send me a video of Y/n. 

"She asked me to give you this video" I read the message. 

I open the video. It was a video of me and Y/n. At the last of the video, she said,

"I know it's hard for you to forget me. So, don't ever forget me. Remember, I always in your heart and beside you. You know, you are my first boyfriend in my life. I'm sorry to leave you alone. Thanks for everything that you gave to me especially, your love. Your love is more worth than my life. I love you. Thanks, Moon Jun Hwi."

I cried.

 "I love you too Y/n" I mumbled. 

So yeah, I have to continue my life without her.


𝙸'𝙻𝙻 𝚆𝙰𝙸𝚃 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚈𝙾𝚄 [SVT Jun X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now