The Last Three Gallotons

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In 2050, there was an outbreak of an infectious disease. The symptoms to said disease are; skin to turn a sickly pale green, skin would look rotten, eyes paler, and a never ending desire to feed. The infected seem to only wish for one thing, human brains. By the year 2057 the infection had spread world wide. There are few survivors left in the world. Less than 1% of the population is left un-infectected by the year 2069.

In the city of New York, two men and a woman stood atop a tall building. All three being siblings trying to survive together. The eldest of the three is Kyzo Galloton, 27, his sapphire eyes shining through his shoulder length bubblegum pink hair. The second is Damien Galloton, 25, he towered six inches over his brother with his red eyes, that looked as if they could glow in the dark, under his semi-long, pitch black hair. Then there was Saige Galloton, 24, the youngest of all eight Galloton siblings. She is the smallest but most feisty of them all with her snow white hair pulled back into a ponytail and her crystal blue eyes shining over-top the blood red bandana she kept over her nose to chin at all times. Their mother, Rosemary Galloton, 54, was a scientist working on the cure. She was murdered by someone Saige trusted when she ran with him and another woman. The reason he killed her is unknown, but now he is hunting Saige and is willing to do anything to kill her. 

Saige looked to Kyzo “Do you have it?” she asked talking about a tablet with the locations of five labs that could be holding the cure. Kyzo nodded “Of course I have it sis.” “Good.” Saige said before running to the edge of the building and jumping off the edge and landing on the next one over. When she landed on said building a kid who had been hiding on the rooftop hid behind the vents, sacred of these new people. Damien and Kyzo both jumped after her, their landings not as sturdy. Saige looked at them for a split second before going to the next building. The kid hiding from them thought the two brothers had jumped already so  they followed Saige to the next building. Damien and Kyzo saw this and ran, Damien then grabbed his switchblade and held it to their throat from behind “Who the hell are you?” He asked in a harsh tone. “Emmy.” The kid replied scared. Emmy, 20, has their blonde shoulder length hair pulled up into a bun with their bangs slightly covering their emerald eyes. “Damien, the blade.” Kyzo said as to tell him to move it. Reluctantly he put away the blade and walked over to Saige leaving Kyzo and Emmy alone. “You alright?” Kyzo questioned looking at them. Emmy nodded, “Y-yeah.” Kyzo nodded “Good.” Kyzo started over to his brother and sister. Emmy followed “Can I come with you?” Kyzo turned and smiled “Yeah.” Saige heard this and glared at Kyzo for letting a random come along before jumping off the building to a fire escape staircase on the next building, the rest of them following after.

Across the street inside an armored SWAT truck sat Max, 24, slightly shorter than Kyzo, his dirty blonde military cut hair covered by a black baseball cap, his light violet eyes being covered by sunglasses, the rest of his face covered by a black bandana. He sat in the truck watching the infected shamble about waiting for a better opening to get into a building for supplies. Max grunted “Ah fuck this…” he grabbed his gear and got out of the truck. As his boots hit the pavement several infected moan and amble his way. Pulling out his machete and stepping towards them Max made quick work of them. He quickly made his way into the building. Once inside he made it up several flights of stairs leaving a trail of bodies in his path making his way to a room and securing it.

 Saige jumped off the broken stairs landing in a roll and ran to the edge of the building. Max heard Saige land, he quickly peeked out one of the windows, he was worried it was scavengers. “Sonuva bitch.” Max saw the small group, Damien and Saige at the edge of the building then Kyzo and Emmy on the stairs. He noted they looked like survivors looking for supplies but was very cautious of them, knowing how greedy and evil the human race can be. He ran up the stairs going to the rooftop, he positioned himself in a kneel behind a small wall and put his sniper over the wall watching them through the scope. Saige looked at Damien with a smirk then ran into the street running past a group of infected dropping a grenade at their feet. The grenade exploded after Saige had run past them. Max saw Saige do this “Are they fucking crazy?” Damien ran after her “Saige are you mentally ill!” Saige turned to look at him for a split second “No, if I was mentally ill I would’ve missed.” she smirked then walked into the building. Damien gave a signal to Kyzo for the two of them to come along. Kyzo nodded then saw Max on top of the roof and gave him a small wave before he and Emmy jumped off the stairs. Max gave him a salute back with his gun barrel before going back into the building. 

The four entered the building closing off the entrance behind them. Max hurried back to the room knowing the trail of bodies would lead them there. Saige led them up the stairs. Max heard them and from behind the door shouted “You guys are crazy, ya know that?” as he pointed a gun at them to be safe. “Now you folk seem nice but I’m goin’ to need y’all to leave all weapons at the doorway.” Saige raised an eyebrow with a scoff, “Not going to happen.” She tried to walk past him though he was swift and grabbed her, turning her to face the other three and pulling his hunting knife to her neck. “Now I will say this once more, all weapons down.” Kyzo nodded and dropped all of his weapons, as did Emmy. Damien glared for a moment before setting his things down, not wanting his sister to be hurt. “No. My weapons go nowhere.” Saige stated quite stubbornly even though she had a knife to her throat. Max sighed “One.” He told her as he put down the knife not really wanting to hurt the girl. She smirked before grabbing out her diamond handled blade and setting the rest of her things down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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