beginning of the story

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There's a girl, she's not pretty but she's smart. Every student of their school always bullied her but it's nothing for her because for her is to always think that...... 

" I'm here to study, to learn, and to help my family" that's what she thinks.

 Some students always played a bad trick on her, like throwing some pieces of paper on her. But it's nothing for her because for her is just to finish her school, and to help her lola....and that's her goal in life. 

But this girl is always number 1 in their school. and all her bad classmates or schoolmates are jealous of her.

But all students hate her when she's in the first place. a few moments later, this smart girl goes inside the CR and some of her bad classmates follow her. 

Then those classmates who followed the girl, they're planning to locked her inside the Comfort Room. 

And those bad students laughed and said '' hehehe, that's nice for you because you look like a rotten fish and you're a Spicer positioned hahahaha". 

after they poured her a dirty water they laughed and laughed at her. 

and this cry and said " let me out of here help," and her classmates' answer " who will help you? but, all of the students in the school hate you so much hahaha" that's what they say while they going out now. 

And the girl who is locked in the CR always said " help. Let me out of here, why would all of you hate me and did these to me I didn't do anything bad, why?, why? is it because I'm ugly why? if all of you doesn't like, just kill me "

 The girl said that while she poked her head on the door. The bullied girl cries and cries inside the CR.....

But there's a little one girl who noticed the one girl who locked in the CR. But this little girl is a very kind, friendly, rich girl.

 Then she went into the CR and try to help the bullied girl and then finally the rich girl open the door, and say

 " sister why are you locked in the CR? why are you crying? did someone did this to you?" she said with an innocent voice. "Sister are you ok?" she asked again".  

"Thank you, little child, your so kind," the bullied girl says it, and then she hugs her and says again.

 "Thank you, little girl, you're so kind". 

"big sister don't cry I'm here to protect you". the little girl said while she wants to stop the tear of the bullied girl. 

The bullied girl is happy to hear it from someone. "big sister, what is your name?" the little girl asked. 

" Kristalen just call me Cris" then Cris. "You, what is your name". 

"My name is Jenny just call me Jen tehe" Jen said with a happy voice.

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