Epilogue: Part 4

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???? P.O.V

Lex done had her baby, and yes she died.  But a couple of months before she had the baby, her and Diggy had got the kids back. Roc and his group decided to get their own place, and contiue to pursue music.  Of course there was drama after Lex death between DIggy and I.  He just wasn't fit to take care of the kids. He just lost it.  He started doing drugs, threatening his life and the kids.  But thankfully, his family pulled an intervention, and had him go get help.  Be fore he left, he told me that he regret wasting time when it came to Lex.  He said he wished he had rekindled things sooner, and just maybe she would have been here raising the kids.  I pray for this family everyday. I pray that the Lord gives me strength to raise three girls (Skye,Lyric, and Mandy,) and D4. I hope you enjoy my journe.


So I haven't updated, because I had school, and I just got bored of writing this story, so I'm starting a new one called Uncle August.  It's basically a continuation of this. It'll be up soon!!!!

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