Epilogue: Becky's Reckoning

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On the outskirts of Titan City, two motorcycle riders race their bikes down a desolate stretch of road that is surrounded by woods while under the light of a crescent moon. Both riders, a man and a woman, are wearing leather jackets and both are carrying a set of weapons. It's Becky Lynch and Jon Moxley. They are monster hunters, secretly protecting their community by hunting down the things that go bump in the night. They are on a hunt right now, but this one is different. This hunt is a personal one because it involves saving the lives of the people they care about and love, their mentor Steve Austin and fellow monster hunter Seth Rollins. For Becky, it is even more personal because in order to save Seth, who is her fiance and the love of her life, she has to confront an evil from her past.

That evil was once a man named Dr. Henry Jekyll, a scientist from London who studied the duality of human nature. He created a serum that resulted in him transforming into the monstrous, evil brute known today as Mr. Edward Hyde. Hyde traveled the world, leaving death and destruction in his wake. Soon, his heinous acts caught the attention of Becky Lynch and Finn Balor, who trained Becky in the art of monster hunting. Together, they managed to track Hyde down to Athens, Greece and confronted him there. Becky managed to fight off Hyde by shooting an arrow into his left eye, but not before Hyde managed to mortally wound Finn Balor. Finn ended up dying in Becky's arms...

Fast forward a few years to a couple weeks ago when Mr. Hyde reared his ugly head up in Titan City and started committing several murders. Becky recognized his handiwork and, along with Seth and Jon, was determined to track Hyde down and kill him to avenge Finn's death. Unbeknownst to Becky and the others, Hyde wanted to get her attention. He wanted vengeance on Becky for the loss of his eye. He watched every move the hunters made from the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Tonight, that moment happened. Hyde ambushed both Seth and Austin and is now holding them hostage at Austin's cabin. Hyde called Becky on Seth's phone and told her that if she wanted to save them, that she should come to the cabin so they could settle this once and for all...

Becky and Jon finally arrive at the cabin. They get off their bikes and take off their helmets. Becky's long orange hair falls across her back and shoulders as she arms herself with a katana that belongs to Seth. She plans on killing Hyde with it. "You ready to do this?", Jon asks her. Becky looks at him. "To be honest, no. I'm scared, Jon. I'm scared that..." "That history will repeat itself tonight?", Jon chimes in. Becky nods. Jon puts a hand on her shoulder. "Listen, I get it. When I fought Dracula all those months ago, I was scared too. But do you know what kept me going?" "Thinking about Renee?", Becky asks. "Yeah but also thinking about Austin, Roman, Seth, and you Becky. My point is that I didn't let fear stop me from killing Dracula and you shouldn't let fear stop you from getting revenge on Mr. Hyde. Besides, you know I've got your back." "Your right, Jon. I've got to be brave for Seth and Austin.", Becky replies. "You are brave, Becky. The bravest woman I've ever known. Seth is really lucky to have you in his life. And so am I." Becky smiles and hugs Jon. "And we're lucky to have a friend like you, Mox.", Becky replies. Jon embraces her as well. After a moment, they let go. "So, now are you ready to exorcise a demon from your past and rescue your soon-to-be husband?", Mox asks. "Hell yeah, lad.", Becky replies. 

(Que "Ain't No Grave" by Johnny Cash)

All of a sudden, they hear a loud below and look to see a large club come swinging at them. Both Becky and Jon jump out of the way. They look up to see an 8-foot-tall hairy troll standing in front of them. Jon sighs. "Of course, there's a troll. And I thought rescuing my friends from a sadistic serial killer wasn't complicated enough." He turns to Becky. "You go get your revenge, Becky. I'll deal with the troll." Becky nods and runs toward the cabin. Mox turns his attention back to the troll. "Lets dance, ugly.", he says as he pulls out his 47 magnum and takes aim.

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