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Mari's POV

Mari:hurry up and put on your dress

Well Damien and I got married you know the rest now my sitters and I rule China with our Prince Charming and we have kids

Damien and Mari kids- a girls Emilyn Alexa Al ha gu Wayne a boy Harry Eric Al ha gu Wayne and our new born baby girl and boy FYI they are twins and the girl is called Iris Rossana Al ha gu Wayne and the boy is called Nathaniel Lev Al ha gu Wayne

Chloe and Jon-a girl Lyn Scarlet Kent and a girl Jennifer Loisa Kent

Alix and Kim-a boy Cole Jake Le Chien

Bridgette and Tim - Peter Packer Wayne

Alya and Dick-two twin girls Amaya Crystal Wayne and Maya Camilla Wayne

Juleka and Nino-a boy Jason Brent Lahffie and a girl Jasmine Hayley lahffie

Emily and Jason-a boy called Doug Kevin Todd Wayne

We were going for a class reunion

Damien:honey we are here

Mari:hey guys

Class :hey Mari

*Lila comes *

Over the years she changed

Lilia:hey Mari how are the kids

Mari:good you good

Lilia:good I have a son name Brandon Jacob Cheng and a girl Jade Emma Cheng

Mari:aww their so cute

Everyone agrees

Mari: gotta go guys you no royal duties

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