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Moriah could barely see as she drove; her tears clouded her vision. Her hands shook as she headed home from Brent's place.

She'd done it.

She'd ended the affair.

And she felt better, too. Not completely, though. Mila's death still felt like her problem, her fault.

But she was on the right path, she knew it.

Moriah glanced down at the card she'd bought for Joel, with a note explaining how she'd ended the relationship with Brent and hoped to fix the one with him.

Another apology, but a better one.

Suddenly, a black sedan appeared in front of her and CRASH!

Just before she lost consciousness, Moriah swore she saw Brent's face, glaring at her.

Then darkness. 

Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Where stories live. Discover now