Daisy Chains

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"One, Two, Three.." You start counting slowly. Your little sister Daisy giggles and runs off somewhere down the hallway. "Seven, Eight.." You keep counting. "Abby no!" You hear Daisy shriek excitedly from somewhere in your new empty house. You are keeping your little sister occupied while your mum, Brooklyn Kennedy, finishes un-packing. Your new house is three storeys high and your room is a suite. It has a balcony, a walk in wardrobe and a mini bathroom. Your parents just divorced after the death of your older brother Peter. Your parents were stressed out about the funeral and their relationship didn't last. Your mum has full custody because your father is a drug addict. "Ready or not, here I come!" You yell out. Your name is Abigail Kennedy or Abby for short. Daisy has a rare form of cancer but she is fighting it and so far, she's winning. You are 16 years old, the age your mum was when she had you. Your father is 23 years older then your mum but you guess it worked at one stage. Daisy is three years old in a week. You walk down the elegant but empty hallway. The walls are painted white with a silver swirl pattern. There are perfectly neat white floorboards with silver coloured skirting at the base of the walls. You reach the staircase and you can hear Daisy's giggling from downstairs. You walk down the white carpeted, white wood staircase and Daisy's laughter is coming from the hallway facing the staircase. You slowly walk down the hallway, making the floorboards creak on purpose. Daisy's laughing stops as you get closer. "Daisy.." You whisper slowly. Daisy starts giggling again and you jump around the corner. She's standing against the wall laughing. You pick her up and spin her around. Daisy's long bright blonde hair flys about wildly. You stop spinning her and you play with her hair. 'It going to be gone soon.' You think to yourself. "Abby, can you bing Days here for a second?" Your mum yells out. "Sure!" You reply. You pick up Daisy and you walk to the kitchen where your mum is. "What's up?" You ask. "The movers need help carrying some boxes in, can you please go and help them?" She says sweetly. "Okay mum." You say. One of the men walks into the kitchen. He's extremely muscular and he shows it off well by wearing tight clothes. He seems to be staring behind you. You turn around and notice your mum has walked to the stove which is behind you. The mover smiles and you can tell he's interested. But he's like, ancient. You can't blame him though. Your mum is stunning. She has platinum blonde hair down past her lower back, the bluest and sparkliest blue eyes on the planet, a perfectly formed nose and perfect lips. She works as a model so she is fairly tall and has long legs. She is wearing a short, tight black pencil skirt that only goes to her mid thigh, a loose white silk blouse which is tucked into her skirt, stockings and shiny black pumps. The mover walks closer to her and clears his throat. You let out a little laugh when you see how short he is compared to her. He's a tiny bit taller then her waist. The mover and your mum turn to face you so you quickly run outside.


After helping the movers put all your boxes inside, you go up to your suite on the third floor. Your white queen bed is already there and so is your dresser, bedside tables, desk, full body mirror, rug and dog bed. You sigh as you look around. You walk up to your mirror and you stare into your eyes. You have your mums eyes. And everything else. You were head cheerleader at your old school and you were incredibly popular. No one hated you or even disliked you. You were a nice popular. You come close to tears as you remember all your friends you had to leave behind. You let a tear fall and you lay down on your bed. You think about your ex boyfriend Brad, the star quarterback. You think about Amber, Lacey, Summer and Brianna, your best friends. You remember all the memories you all shared, the sleepovers, the cheer comps, middle school prom, everything. Your thoughts are interrupted by your mum. "Abby, Christian is here!" She yells to you. You immediately jump off your bed. Christian is your dog. He had to stay at your Nan's while you moved so he wouldn't get in the way. This means Nan is here as well! You race down the stairs and run out onto the deck. Sure enough, your Nan is standing by her car. "Nanna!" You shriek. "Abigail!" She replies. Your Nan is really young for a grandma because she had your mum when she was 14. You run to your Nan and she hugs you tightly. "This isn't a house, it's a mansion! My Brookie has done well." She says to you. "She hates that nickname." You say smiling. "Fine then, my Brooklyn has done well." Nan says. You smile and hug her more. "Now go get that dog out of my car." She says laughing. You jump to the car and open the back door. Christian, your pittbull, jumps onto you. You hug him back an you kiss the top of his head. "Good boy." You say. You take Christian inside, followed by Nan. "Oh Brookie, your old friend Francesca from your first modelling job lives in the area. I invited her for tea." Nan says. Your Nan is going to be staying a week to help out. "I'm going to get changed then." You say. You pick up Christian who is getting big for his legs, and you take him up the stairs. He immediately goes to his bed which he remembers the smell of and falls asleep. You change into a tight, short black plain dress that covers your bum, Just, stockings and silver glittery high heals. You put on a silver necklace and some silver bracelets. You put on your anklet Peter gave you last year and some diamond earrings Brad gave you ages ago. You take out the messy bun that you had in and you brush out your platinum blonde hair. Your hair is halfway down your back. Then you spray some perfume and apply some makeup.


You walk down the stairs to the lounge room. Your mum changed into a dark purple strapless dress and black velvet pumps. She put her hair into an elegant up do to show of her dangly diamond earrings. She has a diamond necklace and some diamond bracelets on as well. Your Nan always dresses formally so she didn't have to get changed. You notice that the muscly mover guy who likes your mum is still here. And wearing a suit. You give your mum a 'what?' look. She notices. "Uh Abby, meet Bobby." She says. "Hi." You say simply. "Hi there Abby!" He replies cheerfully. "Ab, can you go get Daisy dressed? Francesca will be here shortly. Something cute, please." Mum asks. "Sure." You say. You go and pick up Daisy from Nan. Daisy is only wearing a nappy. You take her up to her room and she helps you find a cute little pink dress. You put it on Daisy and you find some white sandals. Daisy puts them on while you brush her long hair. You pick her up again and your halfway down the staircase when the doorbell goes off. Your mum answers it with you standing behind her. "Omg! Brooklyn!" A tall tanned lady who has to be Francesca yells. "Fran!" Mum yells. They hug each other and then suddenly all the attention is on you. "These must be your daughters!" Francesca says smiling. "Yes, the eldest is Abigail and this little cutie is Daisy." Mum says taking Daisy off of you. "My my! Abigail, you could follow your mum to be a model!" Francesca says to you. "Maybe." You say, totally not interested. "Hi Daisy!" Francesca says to Daisy. You roll your eyes. "I thought you had a boy last time I saw you?" Francesca says. You close your eyes and your stomach knots. "Uh, yeah.. Last time I saw you." Mum says uneasily. "Where is he? He was quite the looker." Francesca says grinning. You struggle to keep your tears in. You walk off to the kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of water and you drink it at the table. You are always like this when someone mentions Peter. He was the bestest big brother ever. Stupid car accidents. Stupid drunks. "Sissy, Franessica and mummy want you to join us all in the lounge room." Daisy says tugging at the bottom of your dress. "Okay. Come on bubby." You say holding her hand. She can't say Francesca properly. When you walk in, your mum is introducing everyone. She take Fran to the mover after she introduces Nan. "And this is my boyfriend, Bobby." Mum says. Uh what? Boyfriend? "Nice to meet you." Francesca says. You look at your mum and she mouthes the word 'sorry' to you. Haha no. Not okay. You turn to walk into your room when mum grabs your wrist. "No miss, Fran's son is coming. He's about your age." Mum says. Oh joy. At least you are wearing your shortest and most revealing dress. You want him to think your a slut so he won't like you. You haven't fully gotten over Brad yet.. "He's 19." Fran says. Just then, the doorbell goes off. Everyone looks at you. "Fine." You say with attitude. You open the door. Oh my. Standing there is an angel in the form of Fran's son. He has medium length blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and a fit as body. "Hey." He says smiling at you. "Hi. They are in the lounge room." You say. You turn on your heals and walk away. You can almost feel his eyes staring at your bum. You shake your head and walk up the stairs to your suite. You sit on your bed and you play with Christian. After about an hour, you start to hear noises. "Abigail!" Your mum calls out. You stand at the top of the stairs. "What?" You yell back. "Get your pretty little ass down here." She yells. You can hear her laughing. You walk downstairs and you see everyone is drunk. You pick up Daisy and shake your head in disbelief at the adults. You retreat back to the suite with Daisy. You watch her play with Christian for a few minutes. "Abby?" A voice says from your doorway. "Yeah?" You say. You turn around and see Fran's son in your doorway. "I'm sorry about all the adults." He says. "It's not your fault. It's just that they are bad examples for Daisy." You say. "Yeah. I'm Cooper, by the way." He says. "Okay." You say smiling. "Well." He says. You just look down. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Cooper asks. "Uh, sure." You reply. You make sure that Daisy will be okay and you follow Cooper outside. You start to walk to the park. You talk about a lot of things and your at the park for two hours. At the end of it, You are dating Cooper. When you get home, Cooper and Fran have to leave. Cooper walks up to you and kisses you. "Bye beautiful." He says. "Bye." You reply. You and mum walk back inside together. "So. You and Cooper." Mum says. You sigh and she catches the drift. You decide that you are over Brad. You walk into the lounge room to see Bobby. You totally forgot. You huff and you go to your room. You change into pyjama shorts and a white singlet. You put your hair up into another messy bun and you slide under your covers. You whistle for Christian to sleep on your bed tonight. You fall asleep and you dream about the next day.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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