Chapter 5; This love is a disaster

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As I became Harry's slave, I enjoyed spending my time with the boys except from Harry, ofcourse. The four boys were really fun to be with. They were so nice especially Zayn and that makes me love him even more. Although I hate Harry, I love to watch them five boys play around because they really have a tight bond as if they were real brothers. The only thing I hated being Harry's slave us that he always asks me to do a favor for him as if he doesn"t ran out if errands for me to do. He's always like "Give me this", "Give me that", "Go here", "Go there" and I'm like AM I YOUR PET? -.- But I couldn't complain about it because I accepted the deal and the reason is only that I spilled coffee in his cardigan, so low right -.- I accepted the deal lightly. 


One day, while I was at the canteen with Niall, my phone rang, it was Harry calling me. Like what the hell does he want again?! *answering*

Harry: "Come here to my house now!"

Taylor: "Do you mean mansion?: >"

Harry: "Oh, whatever!"

Taylor: "Which one? You have like 3 mansions, where should I go? :)"

Harry: "Duhh, ofcourse in our house where you already went before. So stupiddddddd!"

Taylor: "You're stupid too :P!!! Hello, I don't know how to go to your mansion alone because you always drive me there."

Harry: "You're more stupid! I drive you to our  house everyday and yet you don't look outside, remember the legends and places we pass thorugh! Stupidity sucks!"

Taylor: "Okay, let's just acceptn the fact that we're both stupid."

Harry: "You're the only one."

Taylor: "Shut up! Just tell me how to get there!"

Harry: "Let Louis take you a ride. This conversation is nonsense. I'm hanging up." *The call ended*

Taylor: *In her mind* "Oh, that Harry sure is bossy, I hate him!!!"


Since my narcisstic boss is hurrying me up, I wans't able to finish up my meal. I excused myself and left Niall to go to Louis. When I saw Louis, he was with her girlfriend, I felt a bit shy but I excused myself and asked Louis to drive for me.

Taylor: "Hi Louis! Oh, and hi Ms?"

Eleanor: "I'm Eleanor. Nice to meet you!"

Taylor: "Nice to meet you, too. Oh, could I excuse Louis for a second?

Eleanor: "Yeah, sure!"

Louis: "Hi Taylor! What do you need?"

Taylor: "Harry wants me to go to his mansion. I don't know how so he suggested that you should take me a ride, could you?"

Louis: "Of course! Eleanor, I'll leave you here for a while. I'll just drive her to Harry's, okay?"

Eleanor: "Sure! Take care."

Louis: "Thank you."

Taylor: "Thanks! Should we go now?"

Louis: " Yes! Bye Eleanor." *Kisses Eleanor goodbye.*


Louis took me to Harry's mansion and left.

Taylor: "Thanks for the ride!"

Louis: "No problem."


As Louis was heading back to the school, I went inside Harry's mansion and met him.

Harry: "Here!" *Hands out a big box*

Taylor: "What's this?"

Harry: "Here comes your stupidity again. Of course, you should open it to know what's inside."

I opened the box and saw what's inside. It was a very elegant dress. It's very pretty yet surely expensive because Harry is the one who gave it to me.

Taylor: "A dress? Why?"

Harry: "Tomorrow is my parent's 20th wedding anniversary. There will be a celebration tomorrow night. I want you to come. I'll just pick you up before 7:00 p.m." 

Taylor: "Why am I invited? I'm not even a part fo your family. What would I do there?"

Harry: "Just don't ask any questions anymore. Just make sure to be prepared tomorrow."

Taylor: "Um, okay."

Harry: "You can leave now."

I left and I felt excited about the party even though I don't know what the reason is.

-End of Chapter 5-

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