Wealthy & Rich; What's The Difference?

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When you are already busy writing two other stories but like have the urge to at least bring one more into light, this one will be rushed I think.. but at best I have a feeling of being really proud from this story so um, please sit back and enjoy my first posted She-ra story,

p.s. We are starting with childhood then aging them all up.

Catra's POV
Peering at the building in front of me, one thought immediately surfaced into my mind,

"Wow....dad you must be super rich!!!"

I was just in awe at my dads company building, when I asked about his job he told me that it was a "small business", but I choose to believe that it was just him being modest after all if you own a company, that makes you a millionaire after all. Also, how can you not be rich if you get like 5 different new cars every single year.

"Hehe, it's better then what my dad earned me and my brothers while growing up." Guillermo would say, while talking to this old lady at the counter typing away at a computer.

I remember him telling me that whenever coming into a business building that we would always need to make our presence known to the receptionist. So that must be her right? I know, I'm so smart!

Walking up, I peered at her name tag. Razz, weird... but my last name legit sounds like MeowMeow. I don't mind, makes me have another unique trait about myself, well aside from my reading disability and 'Heh-tero-chrome-e-ah'? I don't know that's what my doctor described my two different colored eyes as.

"Hello Mrs. Razz, the name is Katherine Meyoumeoi, I am going to be the newest employee to this fine..."

I stopped there while pondering what my dad told me the business was called.

"I am going to be the newest employee to this top notch Pooperty Respiration group!" I finally spat out. My dad just tried to stifle a laugh and "Razz" just didn't seem to acknowledge she was actually called on.

"What Katherine meant to say, Rachel, was that she is going to be working here at our, Property Restoration, business just for today. It's for a inside look, so would you mind showing her around the office while I park the company car inside the warehouse?" Dad would correct my mistake and I would flush from embarrassment.

Rachel would just look up from her screen and chuckle a bit, "Sure Guillermo, and don't worry Katherine. You can call me Razz if you want I kind of like it more than the name Rachel."

I would practically beam before waving my dad goodbye.

"So, what would you like to see first?" Razz, would ask me after logging out of her computer. Now taking a good look at her, she looks more to be like a cartoon Grandma, I wonder if she acts like one?

"Um, I would like to see the car garage!"

I tried not to sound too excited, but secret is I really love cars. Razz didn't seem to mind as she continued on past the little work booths, and past my-

*gasp* Past my dads office door!!! Quickly tugging on her, long-sleeved, wool jacket. I eagerly pleaded for her to let me see that place first. Oh maybe it looks like one of those offices in the movies, or better it could be like one of those really high tech rooms!

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