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On this day a certain creator, @ARandomPerson47, has accused me of disgusting things. Specifically that I am a cat girl.

Today I will be debunking their claims and exposing them for some things he doesn't want the public to see...

So on my board he wrote these messages:

So on my board he wrote these messages:

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Now first of all, they mention 'our call', Me and ARadomPerson47 did have call where they claimed I was a cat girl

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Now first of all, they mention 'our call', Me and ARadomPerson47 did have call where they claimed I was a cat girl. I was pressured for hours and hours to admit that I was a cat girl by them. Finally, I said "I am a cat girl" out of pressure.

That is not the truth though, I only did that because they would not stop.

Secondly, I never said nya. I was stretching during our call and made a sound that they mistook as a nya and then accused me of being a cat girl before claiming these things to the public.

Last, I only wear collars because I'm emo and you're just jealous because your parents don't let you wear them.

Now @ARandomPerson47 is not as innocent as they seem, or would like to seem rather. In fact, they are quite evil. I was writing a script for a movie that I CAME UP WITH and they were helping me, I went on one day to find that they had copy and pasted the entire script of the bee movie and refused to delete it until I threatened to remove them from the document.

They've also done worse, once night I came home from a long day of getting bitches to find my entire family dead because @ARandomPerson47 had KILLED THEM. I a emotional just writing about it....

Please do not believe their lies, they are big idiot who killed my family and poisoned all your food don't eat your food they poisoned it all.

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