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I am not very good at writing but I keep on striving for better in every story that I make especially this series. Please tell me if there is something wrong within my story so that I can change and fix it as fast as I can.

I am starting my role being an author in every story story that I make. Meanwhile, any story may have some strong contents that you might want to skip.

About the names, scenes, characters are only fictional, some of them are true.

Thank you and I hope you read my story until the end.

Author's note: please give me some ideas or suggestions of some story so that I can write as many as I can, given examples will be always consider.

This story is base on a true experience, don't read if you don't have a growth mindset and if you are easy to judge someone without knowing their POV ( point of view ). I suggest that you ask for guidance if you're below 18, and don't make any negative comments if you tend to dis agree with anything, how ever, respectable comments are always acceptable.

@jz.chlle ( ig acc )
Kylie Selyne ( fb acc / rp only )

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