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I am Amaris Gayle V. Crus and the youngest child in our family, once been a graduate in Harvard University, doctor in KATZ WOMEN'S HOSPITAL.

As the youngest child in the family, I am always locked up in the house eversince the tragedy happened, it always make me out of my mind, I don't want to talk about it since it is really sensitive for me. I definitely am a genius, well that's what my parents said. For 24 years of life I have been living, I never experienced going on a date, partying with friends, shopping and getting wild, exploring things and so on because whenever my friends are asking me to go out with them, my brothers and sister are always stopping me, they always say that I am too young for that so I always end up locking my doors in my room and crying.

With a black top and black skirt, I paired it with an office jacket, color orange in it. Wearing a black shade with my messy hair thats is bunned, I brought my chanel bag and knee high black boots, I am now heading into my car since I am going to meet my best friend.

Right now, it is already 3:42 pm and I am waiting for my best friend, Jaeden Isabella Cozette. I had my freedom since I made up with the reason that I will help someone with their studies, therefore, they believe in me though I need to go home before 6 pm or else I'll get grounded for a month.

Jae is taking too long since she texted me that she still need to do something, so I went to star bucks near fresh meadows and unfortunately, I saw my brother's friend, Syllis, damn busted! I covered my face with the bag I am holding but he called me so I had no choice but to look back.

" Iris, what are you doing here? Ivan said that you're helping someone with their studies then right now you're in starbucks? Did you lie? ", said Syllis.

I just shrugged and ran away because I know that Bella is already waiting for me and I don't want to get her pissed by me.

I went inside the store and I saw my bestfriend, smiling through her phone and I wonder why, wearing a ripped maong pants with a white crop top and high heels, showing her glamorous beauty with her curly hair. I walk through the table she is sitting and plan to surprise her.

" Fuck you bitch, I know you're in my back, get in front of me and order me some food because I am so hungry right now, fucking fuck you for letting me wait ", I saw her rolled her eyes when she said the last word while putting her hand and her middle finger up.

I just laugh at what she said and did, I never get offended of the way she talks to me because for the 18 years of friendship, I already get used on her attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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