Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Amanda! Amanda? Geez, girl, it's just me," called out Farah as she approached at a light jog.

Stopping in front of her, she paused with her hands on her knees, breathing heavily. "Didn't you hear me calling you? I had to chase you down to get your attention. And what was with that deer in the headlights look?" Farah said in between panting.

Amanda smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm a little on edge. I was actually on my way to my group project meeting, but I didn't want to show up too early."

"Oh yeah, that's the project with Gavin, right?" Farah giggled.

"Shut up. Yes," Amanda said and then sighed. "Anyway, what's up? Why were you running after me?"

"Oh, right. I almost forgot," Farah said with her eyes widened. "So Michelle saw you with a guy at the student center earlier. She texted Catherine saying you looked kind of weird while talking to him and then ran away quickly. Catherine's at her internship today, so when she got the text, she called me to tell me about it and I got nervous that it was a hunter, or a witch, or something."

Amanda patiently let Farah finish and then said, "Are we still in high school with the text gossiping?" She sighed again. "No, it wasn't a hunter, but it was definitely something. Devon came to find me."

"What? You mean the Devon that you had a crush on until he rejected you last summer. Wait, no, he didn't even have the balls to reject you, he just ignored you. That jerk, Devon," said Farah raising her voice.

"Shh, yes. That Devon," said Amanda. "He just kind of showed up in the student center and I didn't really know how to act, so..."

Farah studied Amanda's face. "Hmmm, okay. Have you told Chase yet?"

Amanda bit her lip. "No?"

Farah raised her eyebrows.

"I mean, I plan to talk to him after I'm done with my group today. I've had a busy morning," Amanda rushed to explain. "I texted Nina though that a member of my pack came to town. I'm going to try to ease it in there."
"That sounds like a terrible plan," Farah said flatly. "You need to tell him fast before he accidently finds out for himself. This situation would already be bad if y'all were human, but you're werewolves. There's going to be more smackdown between two alpha-types."

Amanda nodded miserably. "I know. I just really didn't want to deal with this. Really at all, but especially right now."

"I get it, girl. Let me know if I can help, even if that means coming to the pack house and baking some cookies." Farah gave her a small hug. "I've got to run to my next class, but I'll text you later. Let me know how things go. And good luck."

"Thanks. I think Chase will be okay, but I still need it," said Amanda.

"Oh, I meant for putting up with Gavin in a group project, but that works, too. See ya!" Farah waved and dashed off towards another building.

Amanda sighed. She shrugged her bag strap higher on her shoulder and started off towards the library. Chase would understand that she hadn't asked Devon to come to DC, but that wouldn't make him any less irritated. His host skills would come through as well and Amanda would watch him say pleasant words to Devon with fire in his eyes. She looked back down at his last text to her. Nina just had to go and spill the beans. Good thing she hadn't given her too much information.

Her fingers hesitated before snapping off a quick text. It's a little bit of a story. I'll call you when I get out of my group project meeting. Here's hoping I'm still sane though ;)

The meeting did not nearly go as poorly as Amanda expected and the majority of the work either was completed or appropriately divvied up the group members individually. Although she was pleased at the outcome, because they were being so efficient the group had stayed together in the library over two hours longer than anticipated.

Amanda strode out of the library and pulled out her phone to check her messages. She found two from Chase asking if she was still working and when she would finish. She shot him a quick response to let him know that she was still alive and told him to call her if he was available. The phone rang a few seconds later.

"Hey, sorry. My group ended up getting on a roll so we were there a bit longer than anyone expected," Amanda answered the phone.

"No worries. My client meeting went a little over as well. I was getting a little worried, but I figured that you were still working. So, what's up with this pack member visit? I was almost going to call Alpha Richard, but I figured you would fill me in. He would have called me if there was a problem," said Chase.

"Um, yes, well," she stalled. "There maybe a bit of a problem and part of that is I'm not sure my dad knows that he's here."

"Amanda, that kind of sounds like a big problem to me," Chase said, his confusion clear over the phone. "An alpha should know what his pack members are doing and leaving the area is a big deal. Usually the other alpha is informed as well. I understand why your father avoided speaking to our former alpha, but why would one of your pack members show up here without speaking to your father or me first?"

"So, the pack member who's here is..." Amanda felt sweat forming at her brow as she struggled to push his name from her lips. " Devon."

The silence was palpable. Amanda felt the sweat start to drip down her face. She had stopped moving at this point, still a few yards from the bus stop.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Chase spoke. "Is he with you now?"

"No. I sent him away and told him I would call him when I was done with my classes and meetings," Amanda answered. She felt like she was being quizzed.

"I'll meet you at the house. Come directly home. Don't call him until we speak," Chase ordered.

"Ok," Amanda responded quietly.

The call ended. Amanda stared down at her phone; her mind blank. As if on auto-pilot, Amanda began the trip back to the pack house. She felt like a child being sent to detention as she dragged her feet up the driveway to the house. She paused at the door, dreading the conversation that awaited her. 

Author's Note:

Glad to see you've made it this far with me!

How do you think Chase will react to meeting Devon?

How do you think Amanda should react to Devon?

Please remember to vote and comment!!

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