Chapter 1

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Ring Ring, the bell rang and all the students at stardust high went to their second period, Blade and Alex had break while Misty had science. " I don't understand why I have science and you and Blade have break" Misty said with annoyance in her tone . " well Misty we have separate classes remember? ,also science is your best subject you will be fine without me and Blade" Alex said reassuring her worried friend. "And if you want I can ask Blade to get his dad to change your classes?" Alex said as Blade came from behind Misty. "Boo"! said Blade trying to scare Misty to death. "EEEK"! Misty almost screamed and all the other students looked over with question as to why they heard a scream. "N-NOTHING TO SEE HERE"! Misty said very nervously and embarrassed. "Really Blade"? Misty said in frustration. "Sorry Mist" Blade said rolling his eyes 'I knew she was a scaredy-cat but not to this level' . "ALEX STOP LAUGHING"!!!! Misty said frustrated. "Sorry Mist I couldn't help it" Alex said Ring Ring "oh well you better get to class Misty see you at lunch"! Alex said " yeah bye Mist"! Blade said right after . "Bye I guess, see you at lunch" Misty said upset in her voice and the others could tell. "Look Misty it will be fine it's only a test" said Alex trying hard not to laugh.

Misty stared in the class that was used for science, she looked for desk number #11. She looked to her right and half- smiled when she found it but frowned again once she realized that her seat was next to Jack Green and Nikki Violet. Nikki was the school's drama Queen and the school's 'popular girl'. Jack was the school's star football player and has a horrible attitude and looks down on others. 'Great I am next to to people I wanted to avoid this year'. This was her senior year along with Alex and Blade and the years before didn't go so well .
The teacher Mrs.Poppins came in and didn't say a word.
"Hello students today will be the science beginning test or the SBT" Mrs. Poppins said polity. "Tch this is so boring" Jack said annoyed. "Mr.Green please don't speak when a test is about to go on" Mrs.Poppins asked. " Anyways let's begin shall we?" Mrs.Poppins said then she handed out papers with 20 questions on it. " I will be outside come get me when finished. ' okay Misty let's get this done' Misty said to herself Half an hour later Misty was done and she decided to relax for a minute before taking her test to the teacher little did she know, Jack was secretly looking at her answers. Soon Jack finally finished the test and gave it to the teacher and whispered something into her ear her face was shocked and frustrated. " ok class one of you cheated on the test who did it?" Mrs. Poppins asked the class was silent. " Ok then no one is gonna talk? I guess I will call you out myself".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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