I woke up to nae barking at my door, and on the other side was my grandma, holding her leg. she had bit her. I got up quick and grabbed nae and held her away from my grandma, "y/n, your....stupid dog bit me, you need to control her.", "but grandma, she's just a puppy, you can't blame her, she doesn't know better.", "I don't care, can you just....go to the store and buy her a kennel!", "yes grandma" I closed my door, threw on my olive green hoodie, threw on some shoes and grabbed my keys. I went to my living room to look for an old leash I had. found it. I put the leash on nae and walked to my car. when we arrived at the store, nae immediately ran to the treat aisle. aish, this dog. while struggling to keep her on a leash, I managed to get a kennel along with a dog bed, of course, of her choosing. she chose a pastel sky blue one. she has taste. I got some treats, a new collar, some training pads and a couple of toys. I paid for the stuff, neatly put it in my trunk, and drove home. when I got home, I put all of nae's stuff up, set up the kennel, and threw all of her toys in. I took off my shoes and put my keys up. I looked at my phone. 6:54 pm. I was really at the store for 3 hours, what the heck y/n. I sat on the floor with nae, waiting for her to get in her cage. I played my "3 am" playlist while I played with nae for a bit. around 10, nae finally got in her kennel. ugh, finally. I changed out of my jeans and hoodie and layed down, falling asleep instantly.
-the next morning-
the next morning I woke up around 8:00 am, nae was already awake and ready to get out of her cage. I grabbed my phone and let nae out. me and nae walked to the kitchen to eat something, my grandma was still asleep so we had to be quiet. I was so distracted trying to get nae's water ready, that she decided to jump on top of the table and knock down her food. "nae why did you do that, grandma is asleep!" nae must have somehow understood what I said because she ran to her cage and started whimpering really loud which caused me to groan. I made some toast with eggs and went back to my room. after I finished eating breakfast, I decided to go for a run. I changed into my leggings and a tank top, putting my hair in a ponytail. when I walked back into my room, nae whimpered again and hid, "nae, I'm going for a run do you want to come?", the only answer I got was complete silence. by the time I had closed the door, I already heard my grandma scream because nae's cage wasn't locked. I ran back inside and locked her cage. okay, let's go. I started to run, I felt at peace, all my worries washing away, the wind blowing in my face, the silence of the morning sunrise, the crystal-like dew drops on the beautiful green grass, the warm sun hitting my face. I ran for a good 30 minutes before I got tired and decided to go back home. when I got home, nae was ready to get out of her cage with those "I'm-sorry-I-didn't-answer-you" eyes. I let my hair down and opened her cage. I went to take a shower because I was not fond of the smell of sweat.