Chapter 1: finding a new animatronic

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Lefty POV:

I was walking around with some of the other rock stars until I had found this new animatronic. I told the others I'll meet y'all at the pizzeria after I told them I went to the alleyway where I had seen it. The bear animatronic was made of wires but had a bear mask on its face along with a bit of orange and white chest fluff that was torn up and a orange like bow tie with a tophat. I pushed a button on the side which made it power on!? 

Moltens POV:

I looked up at the bear in front of me and he jumped back for some reason. "H-hello?" the black bear said. His voice was a bit raspy and quite. I got up, he was way shorter than I expected.. He looked up at me a bit scared because of my height. "Hi, I'm molten" I had said to the smaller bear I looked down at him and gave him a smile. "My names lefty.." He responded with which was kinda cute. I walked over to him which made him jump a little and I then just stood there admiring his beauty. His red hat and bowtie along with his cheeks and his yellow star that had glowed a little. I stared at the star in glory it was really pretty.

Lefty POV: (again XD)

This molten guy was just looking at me but why..? I reached my hand out a bit and asked " Do you need a place to stay..?" Molten took my hand and nodded, guess he didn't want to talk.


Still lefty POV: 

I showed him around the pizzeria while the others weren't here but they were gonna be here soon. "You can stay in the vents or my room if you want." I said as I looked him in his one orange eye. "I'll stay in the vents for now" he smiled a little which made me smile a bit "ok I'll see you around I guess" I walked away as he went into the vents. Which made a bit of a squeaking sound.


moltens POV: 

I was in the vents and saw other animatronics come in, one was a bear kinda like lefty, another was a fox with a peg leg and a bird, then there was a bunny, and lastly there was as duck or chicken. I see lefty come out of his room to meet up with them. "Welcome back guys." Lefty had said but why.? They soon walked off to somewhere but as they walked I made a sound in the vents.. Screech was the sound that they heard. The four turned around looking at the vents waiting for me to come out but didn't. But they just stood there doing nothing but looking.

TBC  A/N I hoped you liked the chapter I will try to update it regularly i know its a bit cringey but meh I tried :p see you in the next one beans.

This weird bear a lefty x molten fanfic (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now