Chapter 1

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I have walked these streets my whole life, I know them just the same as if they were etched in my head with a sharp knife, scored in deep like some strange work of art. These are the streets I grew up on and for the most part, I'm calm here, at home, on the down-low with a steady heartbeat. Not tonight though. Tonight, my heart wants out of my chest. It wants to beat free of its cage. It pounds like it's going to crack a rib. My senses are on high alert. Every colour is brighter, every noise louder, every stranger a cause to make my heartbeat more fiercely still.

It's been like that since the bikers came to town, sucking me into their little pack. I wish I never joined them. My life would be so much simpler. I remember when I first became part of their family. I thought it was the best thing ever. They welcomed me with open arms, making me feel safe and at ease. I thought I was the strongest guy in the world. How wrong I was. 

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