Chapter 1

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There is so much Lily Fitherinton would like to change about herself. 

If she just had the choice. Maybe if she had a fairy godmother like Cinderella, she would ask her to spin the wand and make her a tall, slender woman with smooth unfreckled skin. She would ask her fairy to give her a regal nose so she would look down on the ton, much like how they look down on her now. 

Maybe she would even ask her fairy to change this awful peach sofa that seemed to be a permanent fixture in this house. 

But alas, she knows her dreams at nothing but a dream. 

"Lily, Elenor hit me!" Sophia yelled from across the room. Lily could see how Sophia grabbed the  Elenor's cake as she ran towards Lily. Bracing for impact Lily swirled around to move out of the way. 

But Sophia never crashed into her sofa, instead, at the last minute, she turned and ran outside the room. Lily couldn't help but smile at Elenor, waiting for her to realize that her prized possession was now in her arch rival's hand. Maybe even in her stomach. 

Elenor's coral blue eyes gleamed with the glory of victory, most likely thinking she had won this game-and driven her twin out of the room. Lily couldn't help but smile, looking at these happy little angles in her life. They were happy, or at least she hoped so. 

She was the oldest Fitherinton in the house, and with three younger sisters and two brothers, she had no choice but to act like the adult of the house.  

Their parents had to wait ten years before they were blessed with their first child, and when Lily was born, Mr Fitherinton father was disappointed that his first child was not a son. After all, Mrs Fitherinton hardly had too many years of childbearing years left in her. 

But anyone could see the love that they shared. Through ten years of childless marriage, Mr Fitherinton never left Mrs Fitherinton's side. He loved her as no man had ever loved his wife. 

Then when one year later after Lily's birth, Mrs Fitherinton was once again pregnant, Mr Fitherinton prayed day and night for a son. He prayed every afternoon as if knowing that his prayers would mean that the future of Fitherinton and Sons Company would be safe. After all, a million-pound company still had no sons! And every evening he would hand feed mamma her to make sure she had all her nutrients because his wife was the light of his life.

It was a difficult pregnancy, Mrs Fitherinton would not be able to keep anything in her stomach, and unload the contents of her stomach at least three times a day. No matter how hard Mr Fitherinton tried, his wife kept growing weaker and weaker. During her seventh and eighth month of pregnancy, Mr Fitherinton no longer prayed for a son, or even for a child; he just wanted his wife back. 

Finally, nine months later, all his prayers were answered. God blessed him with no just one, but two sons. Twins boys meant Mrs Fitherinton had successfully produced an heir and a spare. But more importantly, Mr Fitherinton was happier because his wife was safe and healthy even after delivering two large robust-looking boys.

But contrary to everyone's expectation, the twin boys never really became the apple of their father's eyes. Most people suspected that Mr Fitherinton only saw the boys as an asset to the company. It was as if Mr Fitherinton only had so much love to give, and it went to his wife and his company. The real baby for him was his company. No matter that the Fitherinton and sons company had become a mammoth of a company, and was no longer anyone's baby, but Mr Fitherinton cared for it as one would care for a newborn child. 

For the two boys, Leonard and Andrew, their mother's love were more than enough. Their mother doted on her kids. Her life revolved around the three of them, and Lily remembered what being happy felt like. Mamma even got them the best governess, Ms Pots, she was always there and never told Lily to sit outside the classes while only teaching the boys. If there were one moment, Lily would point out to, when her life was happy, then it would have been that moment. Everything was perfect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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