Level. 1.

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Having a three year old run around with something in their mouth is like chasing an antelope while a pack of hungry lions are chasing you due to the antelope being their prey.

"C'mere gosh dang it!" Taka said as he chased the little girl around trying to get whatever she had in her mouth. "Mondo are you still in bed!?" Taka yelled as he finally caught Akina which in Japanese meant -spring flower- "gotcha!" Taka said as mondo finally came down "sorry I felt I needed to take a shower" mondo said softly his hair was down and a bit damp still "what happened?" Mondo said as he sat down at the table watching Taka take whatever Akina had in her mouth. "A hair bow!?" Taka said as he put the child down and sighed "she'll eat whatever she finds" mondo chuckled as Taka looked at him "I guess so" Taka replied then stretched and went over to mondo as, mondo gave him a small cheek kiss. "Dada! Kitty!" Akina came up to the two and showed them a picture she drew of a weird looking cat that was blue. "Very nice, Akina, I'll put it on the fridge!" Taka took the drawing carefully and put it on the fridge keeping it up with a small circle magnet.

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