Baki x F. Reader

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After the small fight between Baki and Alai jr. , kozue left the boy after some realization of her own , she was gone just like that and all because Baki wanted to fight more , though his father was up next for a beating but besides he wasn't upset she left , a part of him was happy she was gone though the other part was sad of course.

In the present day , Baki was walking around in the nighttime Tokyo , his mind was elsewhere , thinking of his up coming fight with his father , that is until he bumped into something soft or should I say someone , his eyes looked down only to be met with {e/c}
Orbs " S-sorry I didn't mean to bump into you like that , guess I need to watch where I'm going " Baki said softly before helping the {H/C} girl up , she brushed herself off and looked up at him before smiling brightly which made the poor boy blush like a fool
" it's fine , I just need to watch where I'm going as well heh" she replied softly before scratching the back of her head with a embarrassed expression on her {S/C} face
" so uhm —... how bout I take you out to grab something to eat as an full apology " said Baki while he gave a sweet yet goofy smile .  " sure I can go for that " she replied softly before giggling

{Time skip cuz I'm A lazy hoe}

It's been four months since the two met that faithful day, and since then they've been growing to be great friends yet they both grew feelings for one another yet not one of em know anything about it.

" Retsu , what should I do ?!, I love her so much to the point that I wanna stay with her forever , hell I never felt like this for Kozue when I was with her but this girl is just—" before Baki finished Doppo puts a hand on his shoulder " go find her....tell her that , tell her it till your face turn blue , " he mumbled softly before Retsu nodded in agreement " you should tell her that before it's to late " said Retsu before giving a small smile.

Baki nodded and smiled softly before running out the Dojo in hopes to find her somewhere nearby , he stopped running and ended up at the park he stopped as he saw {Y/N} sitting on the swing , it was late in the night and the moonlight hit the girl perfectly , making this moment magical for Baki as he walked over to the swings and sat in one next to her.

"Hey ..can I tell you something important " he asked shyly looking away , {Y/N} turned and looked at him before speaking " sure anything , though I need to tell you as well " she replied  softly, this made Baki look at her " okay good let's say it at the same time " she nodded softly at him before he counted


"I think I'm in love with you " they both said in unison which also made their eyes widen " you love me ?" Asked {Y/N} with a dark blush tainting her {S/C} skin , " you love me back ?" replied Baki as he soon began to smirk before he captured her chin in a soft grip as he moved in , soon capturing her lips in his own

The end


Hey there pal , I know I'm new to this shit so tell me how yall feel bout it , if I should continue or not lol

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