The Notebook

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Sayu's Point of View

        I hate school, everyone laughs at me because they found out my brother was Kira. I held my head low. I hear a loud smack on the ground in front of me, I look up and see a notebook in front of me. I pick it up, I look all over it.The only thing on it was the title which was in gold, it said the Life Note.

        I rush home, passing mom on the stairs as I run into my room., passing Light's old room. Gosh I miss him, he helped me with math and was good at giving advice. 

        I open the Life Note and an angel appears in front of me.They spread their wings open.

        "I am Kiyoshi, I accidentally dropped my Life Note. But since you touched it, it's in your possession now. All you have to do is right a persons  name and think of them and dig them from the grave. I warn you be careful who you raise," and just like he came he was gone.

        I slam it down on my desk and open, I grab a pen that's sitting on my desk. I write down Light's name. I get up and rush out the door, ignoring mom's protest to come back.

        I make it to the cemetery, I rush to Light's plot. Sure enough there is a hand sticking from the grave, I get down on my knees and dig.

        I finally am able to pull Light out of the grave. He sits up and gasp, it's been a while since he breathed.

        "Sayu?" Light's eyes wander around.

        "Light!" I hug him and he returns it. This s the Light I know and love.

        "How am I alive?" he breaks away from the hug.

        "I used a Life Note to bring you back," I explain.

        He ponders for a moment, "Sayu, can you please do me a favor?"


        "Can you bring back L?"

        "Of course!"

        I write down L's name, I think of his face. I get up and run to the other side of the cemetery, Light following close behind.

        I stand in front of his grave stone and immediately began digging, with Light's help. I hear coughing and finally dug up L's body. Light pulls him out, but lands on his back and falls over with L laying face to face with him. Oh now why I see why he wanted L alive.

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