Reimu, The Last Hakurei (II)

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Reimu readied her spear, as I conjured my own spear before taking a stance.

She walked slowly towards me, as I stayed on guard.

And, suddenly Reimu vanishes into thin air right in front of me. I widened my eyes, to look left and right for her, until I feel a presence behind me. I ducked down, to avoid a swing from her spear, before I used my leg to sweep her down to the sand below.

As she lied on the sand, I fired a few obstacles which she blocked using a magic barrier, point blank.

Afterwards, she swirled on the sand, sweeping everything around her only using her leg, which tackled me to the sand below before she then swings her spear to me. The spear hits, and broke my armor much to my surprise.

She flipped a few feet backwards, before she pulls out a strange contraption using her free left hand that shoots out arrows, the only difference is that the arrow flies straight instead of a lob.

I stood back up quickly, and conjured a shield of ice, which couldn't hold all of her 12 shots. The shield breaks at the last shot making me kneel down from the recoil.

Reimu jumped up, and swings her spear down in an attempt to crush me, which I barely dodged by rolling over to the side before pulling out Roukanken from it's scabbard.

"No choice, I had to stop her."

Her missed swing hits the sand, burying the blade deep inside. As she struggles to pull it back out I used the chance to swing the blade of Roukanken to slash her body 3 times. However she doesn't flinch, and she finally pulled the spear back out before swinging it down onto me, who is still attacking.

The blunt part of the spear hits me right on top of my head, ringing a bell inside.

My vision became blurry, as Reimu then thrusted her spear through my broken armor which pierced through it and my body underneath.

I coughed out a little amount of blood before I pulled Reimu's head in for a headbutt which knocked her away. Her grip on the spear made her pull it off from my body, and blood begins to pour out from the wound.

I took a sip from my flask, before I noticed that my magic box had fallen after she had thrusted that spear into me.

"Dai, open that box, see if there's a glowing stone cherry!"

Daiyousei complied, and quickly headed over to the box, and opened it.

"This one!?"

"Yes! Whose soul is inside it? Look closely!"

"It's the Moriya Miko!"

"Good, toss it to me!"

"You plan to summon her!?"

I parried an attack from Reimu, before I kicked her away making her kneel a few feet away from me. She begins to throw a bunch of ofuda at me which I grazed through. I grunted before I shouted,

"Just toss it to me!"

And Daiyousei threw the stone cherry towards me which I caught easily with my free left hand.

"Summoning Sign - Kochiya Sanae!"

The stone glows brightly, and when it dissipated, a figure slowly stood up. A green haired girl wearing a blue and white, non traditional Miko uniform.

"What... Happened? Aren't you the Ice Fairy? Where am I?"

"Moriya Miko! Woo her!" I shouted.

"Woo who?" Sanae begins to glance left and right, which are all sand.

"Your lover!" I shouted again with a weirded out expression.

Reimu floated gracefully behind her, as Sanae gulped and slowly turned around. She whimpers a bit, but stopped before putting on a cool and collected expression.

"Hello~?" Sanae begins, with a sing-song voice.

Reimu blushed a bit, before tilting her head in confusion.

"Is it me you're looking for~?"

They begin to enclose the distance of their faces, their lips are about to touch as Sanae continued to sing.

"I can see it in your eyes~"

As their lips are now millimeters from each other, Reimu suddenly pulled back, and held her spear's curved blade on Sanae's neck.

"Uh oh."

Sanae ducked down, as Reimu then realized that it's a distraction. I landed a punch onto her chin, sending her flying upwards as I position myself right below her.

"Ice Sign - Perfect Freeze!"

I raised both of my arms up, and opened my palms, before a large ball of freezing energy materializes. It then scatters in a flurry of danmaku. However since Reimu is right in the center of the attack, all the danmaku directly hit her.

Reimu is then sent flying back up before landing a few feet away from me. She stood up slowly, her body trembling.

"So uhh, what's happening?" Sanae asked in a squeaky voice.

"She's happening." I replied, as I walked closer to her, the hilt of Roukanken gripped firmly on my hands.

I raised it up slowly, until I hear Reimu groaning. Her groans then escalated to a maniacal laughter, as 7 yin-yang orbs begin to materialize around her, and I jumped back.

She looked up, at me revealing that she has gone hollow. There are dark markings on her face.

 There are dark markings on her face

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"Oh, Great.... Can you just give me a break...?" I asked.

This Reimu is no longer attached to any emotions or anything else other than the instinct to destroy.

I won't allow it.

- To Be Continued

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