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I woke up very early in the morning. It was still dark outside. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I needed to go to pee. Really bad. My bladder felt like it was about to burst and it was probably the reason I woke up in the first place. But I didn't want to climb down the ladder of bunk bed in the dark.

I reminded myself of what I was currently wearing. On me was: Cousin's girl pyjama top, cousin's girly pyjama bottoms and a pamper diaper. Yes, I could just use the diaper. I did not look forward to spend rest of the night in soaked diaper, but if I'm honest, it's not like I didn't do something similar or worse yesterday. S

o I just went with it and released my bladder here and now. I quietly groaned as pressure in my bladder steadily decreased and as front of my diaper was getting warmer and filled up. As I finished, I felt that wet warmness even at back of I diaper – I could confidently say that my diaper was soaked through and through. And I was lucky enough it didn't leak. It felt kind of nice and if I'm honest, it was pretty fun- if I wasn't thinking to much of it. I slowly closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

"Good morning kids! What's the status of your diapers?" awakened us Aunt Sallie in the morning.

"Mom, can you try to be a bit less obvious? Can you make it even more embarrassing." Ellie suggested as she blushed.

"Well, I think I can. All of you can pull off your PJ bottoms so everyone can see the nappy. And you know what else I think? You should be first one to get her nappy checked... Come here." Sallie commanded.

"Hey, you dry? I am" I heard Mia whispering to me.

"Uuum.. not really" I quietly answered.

"Ellie. You are wet, aren't you." said aunt Sallie as she pulled down her PJ's.

"Uuum.." stuttered Ellie. "Maybe just a bit..."

"It doesn't look like just a bit. Doesn't matter, go wash yourself. Hey boy, you're next. Come here."

I started climbing down the ladder.

"You know what. I won't even ask you if you're dry, as I can see a huge bulge under your pink PJ's from here," Aunt Sallie observed.

I quietly climbed down and blushed.

"What are you waiting for, pull down your PJ's, let's se how full your nappy really is" she commanded.

I did as she said.

"That's almost impressive" Sallie said. "This things surely hold much and it seems that you used almost entire capacity. No matter. What about you Mia?"

"I'd say I'm somewhere between just a bit wet and using almost entire capacity " Mia answered to my shock. Didn't she say she was dry just a minute ago? But as she stood up and pulled of her PJ I could see that she was everything else but dry.

"I see. Now, go wash yourselves and come down to breakfast. I would also tell you to use the loo before coming down, but it seems you already took care of that," told us aunt Sallie and left the room.

"What just happened? Weren't you dry just 2 minutes ago?" I asked Mia as she passed me. She winked at me and left the room. She didn't say anything, but I knew perfectly well what she did for me, to make my situation less awkward.

After I threw my diaper in bin, washed myself and put on my clothes for the day, I joined the girls at breakfast table.

"Hey, your mother called" aunt Sallie told me. "She's coming to pick you up really soon. Eat your breakfast in peace and then start packing."

"What? Can he stay a bit longer, mom?" Ellie asked.

"I don't think so, sweetie. Didn't you have enough fun with him yesterday?"

"Uuum, well, we did" admitted Ellie. "But I'll miss him."

II thought that was really sweet, but I didn't say anything and continued eating, trying to hide my blushing.

"By the way" said Mia "I really want to thank you for playing with us. And sorry for that one accident, it was kinda our fault."

"It's fine... And I also had a lot of fun. Well, most of the time. Also, I would like to thank you for letting me borrow your PJs. They are really soft. If they had any of them in boyish colours, I would definitely wear them every night"

"C'mon, you can't say that red and white combination doesn't fit nicely with your blushing cheeks" Mia teased. "Just joking cousin. Why should you even care what colour of clothes you are wearing. It won't make your manhood fall of. At least I think so. Or am I wrong, and did it fall of last night? "

"No, of course not, haha. Last time I checked it, it was still there"

"You see? I am never wrong?"

"Except when you think you can drink water faster than me?"

"Tuche. Are you up for rematch? maybe"

"Nope, no thank you." I said and continued with breakfast.

After breakfast I went back up to room and started to pack my things in backpack. When I was almost finished, I heard a car honking. I looked through window and saw that my mom came here. I run down the stairs as quickly as I could to say hi.

When I came down, my mom an my aunt were already talking.

"Yes, he was very nice to both of them. Do you want a cup of coffee?" Sallie asked my mom.

"Thank you but no. I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I would just pick my son and go. Speaking of him, hey big guy. "

"Hi mom!"

"How was your weekend?" she asked.

"It was really fun" I admitted.

"Are you ready to go back home"

"That, I am."

"Let's go then. Where is your backpack" she asked.

"Here it is, we're bringing it down" I heard Mia's voice from upstairs.

"Oh, aren't you sweet little big girls." Said my mom. "What will you say?" then she prompted me.

"Thank you girls. For backpack , and fun weekend and stuff!"

"Don't we deserve hug?" Ellie asked.

"Of course you do." I said and hugged Ellie. Unlike first day, I actually enjoyed this hug.

"What about me" Mia asked.

"Of course" I said and hugged Mia too.

"We put a little surprise in your backpack. Enjoy." Mia whispered into my ear.

"Aww, aren't you kids cute" commented my mom and almost made me blush.

"Well, goodbye Mia, Goodbye Ellie, Goodbye aunt Sallie" I said goodbye to girls and went to back seat in the car. As soon as my mother said goodbye, she came in the car too and started driving away.

I decided to quickly take a peek in my backpack to see what Mia's and Ellie's surprise was. And I was surprised to see a pair of pink pyjamas and a couple of Pampers baby diapers. I smiled and blushed. I looked through the back window of a car to see girls waving at me as car drew off. I waved them back and smiled once again...

What a great weekend this was!

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